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Thread: PCT Recovery Help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    PCT Recovery Help

    i was on a 20wk cycle (STS) and wanted to share with everyone what happened to me. FYI in the 1st reload i was taking 600mg test e, 300mg deca with 25mg EOD aromasin then in the second reload i started 750mg test e, 200mg tren e and 300mg Mast e. As an extra note i was even taking 250IU HCG 2x/wk and NO AI as i read masteron should maintain E2. I did this as my last relaod before i deload at the end of the cycle and after 3-4wks of starting the second reload i got an eye infection, UTI (urine traction infection) and high blood pressure (155/90). my blood pressure is good now and have no infections right now. i did blood work when the issue happened and its abvious the blood pressure increase was from the increase of estrogen:

    1- estrodial 185 (11-44)
    2- progesterone 0.3 (0.1-0.2)
    3- Prolactin <0.06

    i had to stop all injs and use the meds given to fight the two infections that i was suffering from, wait for 21 days after my last jab and started my pct which i am still on right now. I'm at the end of the 4th wk of PCT. My PCT consists of 40/40/40/20/20/20 Nolvadex and 100/100/50/50/50/50 Clomid.

    1- Even after almost 4wks of PCT my Testes are still very very small just like when i was on cycle. FYI i did take 250IU 2x/wk during cycle starting the 2nd wk of the cycle until pct. At that time i was debating if i should do 250IU 3x/wk when i noticed my teste kept shrinking as days pass by. I decided to jump on 500IU HCG for 2 days and noticed no results so i increased the dose to 1000IU ED with arimidex 0.5 EOD. Will continue this for 14 days and today is the 8th day using HCG during pct and cant see results! i even started HMG today with 150IU and will dose the rest 25IU ED for a total of 14 days. Is there something you'd recommend to do here to increase the recovery speed? or just complete my current pct and see what happens?

    Hope swifto or any of the pro guys on here help me out here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    How many iu's of hcg were in the vials you reconstituted, how much bac water did you add and how did you measure it on the syringe when you administered it?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    How many iu's of hcg were in the vials you reconstituted, how much bac water did you add and how did you measure it on the syringe when you administered it?
    FYI the HCG i get is pharm grade from local pharmacy. I bought a kit that comes with 3 vials. Each HCG vial unmixed is 5000IU per vial. I mix a 5000IU vial when required and leave the rest of the unmixed vials in the fridge. i used new ar-r sterile vial that i put 3ml of Bac water in and put 2ml of bac water in the HCG vial. i always alcahol swab everything i attend to put a syringe in and dont shake the hcg vial hard to mix and rather swirl it in circles. Then i transfer the 2ml of mixed hcg into the 3ml bac water vial. Now 5000IU divide 5ml = 1000IU per ml. So a singular 100 unit insulin syringe will give 1000IU of HCG. to get 250IU i had to pull 25 units every time i take a shot. I took the HCG shots the same day/time i took my test/tren/deca shots.

    do you mind telling me why are you asking about the HCG mixing? the mixing is plain simple and doesnt require any kind of complications to prep.

  4. #4
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by kml999

    FYI the HCG i get is pharm grade from local pharmacy. I bought a kit that comes with 3 vials. Each HCG vial unmixed is 5000IU per vial. I mix a 5000IU vial when required and leave the rest of the unmixed vials in the fridge. i used new ar-r sterile vial that i put 3ml of Bac water in and put 2ml of bac water in the HCG vial. i always alcahol swab everything i attend to put a syringe in and dont shake the hcg vial hard to mix and rather swirl it in circles. Then i transfer the 2ml of mixed hcg into the 3ml bac water vial. Now 5000IU divide 5ml = 1000IU per ml. So a singular 100 unit insulin syringe will give 1000IU of HCG. to get 250IU i had to pull 25 units every time i take a shot. I took the HCG shots the same day/time i took my test/tren/deca shots.

    do you mind telling me why are you asking about the HCG mixing? the mixing is plain simple and doesnt require any kind of complications to prep.
    You would be surprised how many don't do the math right. It's strange that you noticed no difference after administering hcg during your cycle. You were on a long cycle bro. It may be a bumpy recovery

  5. #5
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    May 2010
    you are right about the cycle being long, but i decided to give it a try and see how my body reacts. the thing is i wasnt impressed when i did 12wk cycles and decided to try the STS technique.

    As an extra note my current PCT is 40/40/40/40/20/20 Nolvadex , 100/100/100/50/50/50 Clomid, currently doing 1000iu hcg/day for 14 days and around 35iu of HMG/day for 14 days (started this late since i noticed the teste's are very small). Here are my blood results that i got yesterday after 4wks of PCT:

    1- Estradiol= 34 (11-44)
    2- LH= 0.04 (0.57- 12)
    3- FSH= 2.8 (0.95-11.95)
    5- Progesterone= 0.2 (<0.1-0.2)
    6- Prolactin= <0.6 (3.46-19.4)
    7- total testosterone= >15 (3-11) <---- test is above range!

    1- does it look my body is recovering? everything looks acceptable except my LH values! my FSH is picking up as i can see, but my LH is almost nil. i am already injecting 1000iu of HCG/day and was expecting the teste size will return to size since hcg stimulates in LH production? how to fix this?
    2- do i need to do an extra 2wks making the PCT a total of 8wks?
    3- would anyone recommend any adjustments in my PCT? I have everything in hand

    any further comments would be helpful too
    Last edited by kml999; 06-30-2013 at 04:53 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Hey bro, don't you think the hcg is keeping your lh suppressed?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    The Matrix
    Clomid and hcg aren't compatible. They basically nullify each other. Your axis is getting mixed signals.

    If youre positive the HCG and HMG is real and your dosing is correct as stated then maybe you should just drop them and see if clomid alone gets you restarted.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    The Matrix
    Double post
    Last edited by Java Man; 06-29-2013 at 03:09 AM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Bro your lh function is not going to start until you have stopped administering hcg. Hcg mimics lh function. Once your testies are firing again is when your pct meds start

  10. #10
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Clomid and hcg aren't compatible. They basically nullify each other. Your axis is getting mixed signals.

    If youre positive the HCG and HMG is real and your dosing is correct as stated then maybe you should just drop them and see if clomid alone gets you restarted.
    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    Bro your lh function is not going to start until you have stopped administering hcg. Hcg mimics lh function. Once your testies are firing again is when your pct meds start
    Here are your answers with them, imho.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY View Post
    Hey bro, don't you think the hcg is keeping your lh suppressed?
    you might be right if i'm on HCG for too long, hence why i will be on it for only 14 days (and thats not that long as i can see). Now i'm during the 10th day of HCG usage. The other thing is that the teste size are still small and need to get them to normal size, but nothing seems to improve their size until now.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man View Post
    Clomid and hcg aren't compatible. They basically nullify each other. Your axis is getting mixed signals.

    If youre positive the HCG and HMG is real and your dosing is correct as stated then maybe you should just drop them and see if clomid alone gets you restarted.
    i wasnt taking hcg/hmg from the start of the pct! i started it after 3wks of pct since i noticed my testes were still very very small. when i started the pct i was only running nolva/clomid. i will definately drop hcg/hmg as i'll be done with it after 2 days.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Jim and Java man thanks for the advice! i will stop the hcg/hmg from today! and keep taking nolva/clomid for total of 6wks of pct? or should i extend it to 8wks total?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by kml999 View Post
    Jim and Java man thanks for the advice! i will stop the hcg/hmg from today! and keep taking nolva/clomid for total of 6wks of pct? or should i extend it to 8wks total?
    If you want to extend nolva to 6 weeks that would be fine. But drop clomid after 4 weeks.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by OdinsOtherSon View Post
    If you want to extend nolva to 6 weeks that would be fine. But drop clomid after 4 weeks.
    stop clomid on 4th wk? i understand what you are saying, but dont you think i should extend the clomid to 6wks since my HCG/HMG interupted my pct initially?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by kml999 View Post
    stop clomid on 4th wk? i understand what you are saying, but dont you think i should extend the clomid to 6wks since my HCG/HMG interupted my pct initially?
    No. The sides from clomid can be a little rough. Just extend the nolva. The clomid can turn you into a bag of nerves.

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