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  1. #1
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    last place to turn

    Ok guys, I was told to come to this section to get advice. Long long journey/story that I will try to sum up and get to my question.

    I am 22, almost 23. I know, I am a moron for messing around with prohormones, especially with little knowledge. I want to get back to normal then stay away from the stuff, and preach the dangers of under age/under educated use of ph's and steroids from the rooftops (seeing how much they ruined my life right now)

    Past history of prohormones.

    age 18 - july 2009 4 weeks magnadrol without a proper pct (black skulls kickstart pct)
    symptomatically, recovered fine, but no blood work.

    age 21- july 2012 4 weeks superdrol clone (same kickstart pct) followed by nolvadex a month after that (still not correct)
    side effects- major bloating, major back pain. No emotional sides.

    Heres were trouble starts.

    age 22(this past april 2013 ) A product containing 10 mg of epistane for only 10 days.
    Stopped after 10 days and did 0 pct because I didnt think I should have after a short period like that. Got blood work. (Felt severely emotionally numb after about a week, which is why I stopped)

    Pituitary absolutely tanked. LH and FSH 1. Total T 315. I see the results, and my endo tells me to just wait and I will restore myself. Im not satisfied with that so I jump on Nolvadex. Day 3 of nolvadex I felt completely better, emotions back, happy, outgoing etc. But, that only lasted a few hours and I went back to the numbness. Stopped nolvadex after day 5 after my doctor urging me to stop taking any sort of drug.

    A month later, re do blood work. T is the same but LH up to 2. Endo still says wait, since LH rose up. A few weeks after that, T is up at 640, but LH still at 2.

    I see a specialist who gives me clomid. Took it for a month, 50mg a day (in july). T jumps up to 1500, but I still feel the same. (high e2 obviously)

    Blood work now, a month after stopping clomid is decent. Total T 500. E2 24. but still low pituitary function. LH 3. FSH 2

    and I still feel the same. Endo notes that something could be wrong since LH and FSH dropped low after clomid. But still thinks I should wait and see if it naturally gets back up again.

    Is there a chance that my body will naturally start to get it going stronger again? Is there any restart methods I should use besides clomid?

    My bet is that I never recovered fully from the superdrol last year, and maybe the small dose of epistane just tanked it further. This numbness is killing me, Its so hard to live without emotions. Im desperate, and I know its my fault.

    Anyone experience this side effect from pituitary problems?

    Any PCT advice, please let me know, or if you think I should just let time take its toll, let me know.

    Thanks for any help, Im in a real tough place, sorry for the long post. Havent felt anything in 5 months, been in and out of the hospital all summer.

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    How long have you been of all meds?

  3. #3
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    I was off all things including serms from october 2012-april 2013.

    10 days of prohormone in april, 5 days of nolvadex end of april. Then nothing for 2 months, then clomid in July for 4 weeks.

    So now its been about 5 weeks since I am off clomid, and I am not on anything else.

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJS19 View Post
    I was off all things including serms from october 2012-april 2013.

    10 days of prohormone in april, 5 days of nolvadex end of april. Then nothing for 2 months, then clomid in July for 4 weeks.

    So now its been about 5 weeks since I am off clomid, and I am not on anything else.
    When did you run labs in relation to stopping the meds? I see it now. I would wait 6-8 weeks after being off all pct meds to test. You are producing lh and your testies are respodding cause your t levels show it.
    Last edited by Bio-Active; 09-04-2013 at 07:01 PM.

  5. #5
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    The most recent lab was ran a couple weeks ago. About a month after stopping clomid. I have more blood work in a month from those, and then more 2 months after that.

    The most recent read (8:45 am)

    TT 492 (to be exact)
    estradiol 24

    LH 3 (reference range 2-6)
    FSH 2 (reference range 1-15

    directly after clomid TT was 1500... I dont know if that helps you help me with advice.

  6. #6
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Oh, also, I ran labs in april 10 days after stopping the 10 day trial of that prohormone, and again 4 weeks after that.

  7. #7
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    I would wait 6-8 weeks after being off all pct meds to test. You are producing lh and your testies are respodding cause your t levels show it and stay away from the prohromones

  8. #8
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Ok, thanks Jim. So is it normal how far/fast T dropped after clomid? You think it was a coincidence that on the third day of nolva I started to feel like myself again (until it stopped).

    I havent read many accounts of emotional blunting from hormone issues. Seems to be more libido, moodiness, irritability, so maybe it is a unrelated problem.

    Anyways, thanks for your advice.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJS19 View Post
    Ok, thanks Jim. So is it normal how far/fast T dropped after clomid? You think it was a coincidence that on the third day of nolva I started to feel like myself again (until it stopped).

    I havent read many accounts of emotional blunting from hormone issues. Seems to be more libido, moodiness, irritability, so maybe it is a unrelated problem.

    Anyways, thanks for your advice.
    Yes its normal but you just have to move past all the meds now and give your body time to recover. Your LH function already being in the range it is is a good sign and your testies are obviously functioning. Going through a down phase during hormone imbalance is very normal but your body will try to level out if you give it the time it needs.

  10. #10
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Ok thanks Jim. I will follow that advice and see what time does for me. Hopefully I can repost in a few months saying that I am better. Man I cant believe 10 days of 10mg did this to me. 10 days for many months? Not a good trade off.

  11. #11
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Anyone surprised that 10 days of 10 mg surpressed my pitutary that much?

  12. #12
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJS19 View Post
    Anyone surprised that 10 days of 10 mg surpressed my pitutary that much?
    No Pro hormones are very well known to be suppressive

  13. #13
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    So crazy how just 10 days of popping a stupid little pill could ruin your life. The asshole behind the counter said its so mild that you dont even need a pct..

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJS19 View Post
    So crazy how just 10 days of popping a stupid little pill could ruin your life. The asshole behind the counter said its so mild that you dont even need a pct..
    yes but lesson learned it doesnt effect each person the same and suppression is no fun

  15. #15
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Lesson learned big time. But I hope it wasnt a permanent lesson, because my quality of life without feelings is zero. Really hope thats something that will come back in time

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJS19 View Post
    Lesson learned big time. But I hope it wasnt a permanent lesson, because my quality of life without feelings is zero. Really hope thats something that will come back in time
    There are always risks but given your age and the fact that you seem to be responding you should recover

  17. #17
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks, I appreciate that

  18. #18
    PJS19 is offline Associate Member
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    I ment to ask , does tribulus effect bloodwork or do any damage? I tried that a few months back. Was thinking about doing it again because it did help with morning erections, but I dont want to if it will touch pituitary or messs up labs

  19. #19
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    No i don't think it messes with anything it is just a supp and many use it during pct. You do not really want to get stuck taking a bunch of supps so if it were me i would stay off everything until you run labs again though

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