Hello, im on my first PCT using Clomid and Nolva.
I was a little nervous about clomid because a lot of people report depressions possibly caused by clomid. Also found that lots of people say "you cum like peter north" too.
Im saying this because im about to start my third week of pct and havent noticed any sides (no blurred vision, no increase in sperm volume, no depression, no dizziness) at all and im wondering if my clomid is fake. On top of that my ex ended the relationship right about when i was starting pct (yep, good timing huh?) i thought that would make the pct depression even worse but it hasnt happened at all. I just feel less "cocky" if you know what i mean, after the test E cycle im back to be the normal "me" without dealing with depression.
So, what do you guys think? Thanks for your opinions.
Please excuse me if you find this difficult to read, english isnt my first language.
(Nolva is from the pharmacy)