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Thread: AI/PCT and Test C

  1. #1

    AI/PCT and Test C

    Question about coming off test-c cycle into PCT.

    Since Cyp is such a long ester, would it make sense to run your AI into the first week of PCT?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by GSXRvi6
    Question about coming off test-c cycle into PCT. Since Cyp is such a long ester, would it make sense to run your AI into the first week of PCT?
    no you run your AI right up to pct and start your serms. Your pct should start 14-18 days after your last pin of test c

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    ^^^ correct. it seems like you have done your homework. read this,

    My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

  4. #4
    I've read the planning executing thread, however I'm on TRT so it's a little different.

    I don't run HCG, I don't have fertility concerns (trying to stop fertility is what resulted in me on TRT anyway).

    For my PCT I just drop back down to my normal TRT dose, however I was concerned with estrogen going up once I stop my AI since it will take a while for my levels to return to TRT levels, especially on cyp, but I don't want to crash my E at the end since I'm not taking HCG/Clomid/Nolva

    I have Letro and Tamox on hand as "emergency use only", I just don't want gyno to sneak in at the end.

    So I should run my AI for 18 days after my last high dose pin, even tho I'm on TRT, if I'm understanding right.

    I should do nothing different from a standard cycle other than the "restart" during PCT?
    Last edited by GSXRvi6; 09-27-2013 at 10:33 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    okay so you don't need/take AI for TRT dose? if so you simply add AI as needed during cycle, and one week after end of cycle discontinue AI. this I am assuming you don't need AI for TRT. no need for anything else.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    If your on trt you do not need to run a pct just drop back to your trt dose

  7. #7
    Correct I do not need AI on TRT dose, that's what I was originally thinking, do AI for one week after my last big test C dose since C is the long ester. But "the rule" for c is 14 to 18 instead of one week, sooo, not quite sure.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by GSXRvi6
    Correct I do not need AI on TRT dose, that's what I was originally thinking, do AI for one week after my last big test C dose since C is the long ester. But "the rule" for c is 14 to 18 instead of one week, sooo, not quite sure.
    if you haven't been running an AI I see no reason to do it now just cause you are coming off. You should have been doing it during the entire time if your blast. Just drop back to your trt dose and let your hormones balance back out. Next time consider running your AI during your Blast

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    if you haven't been running an AI I see no reason to do it now just cause you are coming off. You should have been doing it during the entire time if your blast. Just drop back to your trt dose and let your hormones balance back out. Next time consider running your AI during your Blast
    Sorry I should have been clearer, I'm not quitting TRT, I've been on TRT for a while, was going to do a cycle while on TRT

    Sooo. TRT dose is 100mg per week of test c, no AI needed blood work is good.

    Blast to 300-500mg per week (figure first go around I'll do 3, if all goes well 4 next time and so forth)

    Do AI during blast, when I come off the blast back down to TRT dose I need to go off the AI at some point, but due to the fact its test-c I don't want to quit AI the same day I do my last big injection, I need to run the AI a bit longer due to the longer ester, but I don't want to run it too long and crash my E since I do not need AI at my TRT doses.

    My first guess was to run AI for 1 additional week after I've dropped back down to my TRT dose, but 18 days seems to be the logical number to start PCT with test c cycles, however, since I'm not doing the other compounds for PCT I figured I can probably get away with 1 week's worth of AI after my last big dose.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Run the AI for 18 days after the blast

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    Run the AI for 18 days after the blast
    Alright, cool that makes sense.

    Thanks guys, I'm slowly getting there.

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