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Thread: Pct vs low dose of test

  1. #1

    Pct vs low dose of test

    I am 49 yr old 5'8" and 205 at approx. 12% bodyfat when I started my first cycle (testc at 400/wk deca at 400/wk arimidex eod this will be a 16 week cycle, 12 for the deca) almost 3 weeks ago. Weighed in at 215 today. BP at 120/84. Only one shot was bothersome for 48 hrs, all others ok. Everything appears to be going well. My question is this. Should I end my cycle with PCT or drop my test to 200-250 a week for 2-3 months and start a new cycle. What are the negatives to something like this? Will I crash or is 250/wk a light enough dose to sustain before moving on to the next cycle. My thought is that my natural Test levels are not optimum and that 200-250/wk would not be harmful. Please advise.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    East Coast Dungeon
    Hey DSM,

    Nice stats. Be sure to monitor your E closely since you're running a progestin. To your question, my thought would be to do a normal pct, wait a couple months and get full BW. THEN decide if TRT is the proper course of action for you based on results. If it is, spend some time getting dialed in and then if you want to blast and cruise you're good to go, no pct required.

    If you choose to blast and cruise then an average TRT dosage is arguably 100mg per week. 200mg is high end and may require ancillaries (adex) to maintain. Less is more on TRT and the goal is to get by without AI's if possible.

    Define "not optimum" regarding your natural test levels. Do you have TT and FT numbers? LH, FSH?

    Oh, welcome to the forum btw.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Did you run labs before your cycle to get a baseline. Like kel said I wouldn't suggest cruising unless you can't recover

  4. #4
    no, I didn't run bw before starting. Your advice makes sense. thanks

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