Hi, I am 26 and have been training for 9 years. This is my first cycle and I am on week 5 out of 8. I am only running Testosterone Enanthate. I front loaded with 500mg week 1-2 and now 250mg week 3-8. I trusted someone who I should't have, because of this I have not used any ancillaries and I have not ordered PCT yet.
My questions are 1. should I use an ancillary (I assume it will be closed to the end of my cycle due to shipping to the US), and 2. what PCT should I use? The dosing would be highly helpful also.
P.S. I barley notice a difference in the nipple area of my chest. I assume since Test E is a long acting ester I should start PCT around 10-12 days after my last inj? Help with these questions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much.