First of all, sorry for my bad english, because I am russian and it's not my native language.
My key problem is that last 2 years I was running a couple of steroid cycles, including testosterone, trenbolon, nandrolon, stanozolol, Methandienon and so on. Now I am 23 years old.
I didnt care about the consequences ( I was an idiot). The last bloodwork was done 23.03.2012 after tamoxifen (nolvadex) PCT with
2.49 FSH mIU/ml,
4.37 mIU/ml, LH,
and 656 ng/dl Testosterone.
After that I didn't control anything for 1,5 years (I know I am idiot).
In august 2013 I decided to quit forever, but till today I cannot recover.
Last inject was 25.07.2013, Cycle consisted of nandrolon decanoate, sustanon-like testosteron and methandienon (9 weeks)
I did my bloodwork 03.09.2013 with results
LH < 0.1,
FSH< 0.1
Testosterone 744 ng/dl (it was a rest of inject, I think. I used omnadren, analog of sustanon).
Estradiol 55.7 pg/ml
Prolactin 216 mIU/L
Progesterone 1.78 nmol/l
I runned PCT consisted of toremifene citrate 60mg for 15 days and 30 mg for 15 days.
Results after that (07.10.2013) were next:
LH < 0.1,
FSH< 0.1
Testosterone 331 ng/dl
Estradiol 24.6 pg/ml
Prolactin 181 mIU/L
Progesterone 1.15 nmol/l
Then I was consulted by my friend to start clomifen citrate 100mg per day and to do one more analysis after a week of it's usage (LH and testosterone). What is interesting, I got a pain in my testicles first 5 days, and I was sure it was a sign of recovery. I did a bloodwork:
LH <0.1,
Testosterone 15.01 nmol/l (it's 432 ng/dl, why it's higher when LH is 0?).
Then I started to take clomid along with nolva, 100mg of clomid and 20mg of nolva daily for 21 additional days.
I did a bloodwork after that:
LH is 0.27
Testosterone is 352
I am really tired of sides of clomid, I became very emotional and crying a bit. Cannot handle it anymore. What's more, my libido is almost zero (althought I have no problems with erection).
What is the best option for me? Maybe to run 25mg of clomid along with toremifen? Or just to stop taking any pills?
I visited 2 well-known endocrinologists here in Moscow, who work together, and they said I was a complete idiot when taking clomid and nolva, and it ruined everything even harder. But it's a bullshit in my opinion. They adviced to stop everything and to wait 3 months and then run a bloodwork for all basic indicators and then visit them one more time.
But a world experience show that serms can really help me. The only problem is what I runned a heavy PCT and it only gave me 0.27 of lh and 350 of testosterone.
I ceased everything 2 weeks ago but still feel myself like shit. No libido, no interest in life at all, i even do not attend gym. All this is accompanied by the fact that I am searching new job and fighting with otolaryngologic disease with no success that decreases quality of my life even harder.
I am really scared and will be happy to obtain any feedback according my situation.
dont want to jump on trt, I am only 23 years old, guys(
I am really scared and will be happy to obtain any feedback according my situation.