Hi Guys,
There is a million threads on this and everything is different. I am reasonably experienced when it comes to anabolic however have never used a pro hormone (although from what Ive gathered M1T is a steroid). I want to give it a try but the PCT is giving me some trouble in that everyone seems to have different thought all the way from OTC stuff to research chems. Please give me your thoughts on this but definitely let me know if its over kill as I definitely want things to go well but I also don't want to keep putting chems in my body none stop if I don't need to.
M1t week 1-2 @ 10 mg ed 3:00 PM (may up to 20mg depending on how I feel at which point I would switch to 8:30 AM and 3:00PM ed)
Clomid 50/50/50/50
I have Adex which I could run at say .25mg eod if people think that would be useful. I wasn't sure about Nolva but I could grab that before I start as well but it didn't seem as though I needed it. Probly add it at 40/40/20/20 if people think that too would be useful. Also without needing to be said I will be running liver sups the entire time, any thoughts on NAC?
Thanks Guys