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Thread: PCT for PH (DS) is SERM needed?

  1. #1

    PCT for PH (DS) is SERM needed?

    Hey I have been bodybuilding for 5 years now been dying to go on a cycle and waited it out until now that I am 21. Since I've been reading on cycles I've gathered a large amount of information but some of it is conflicting so I thought I'd ask for the opinions on the inter web and then visit my doctor afterwards to double check. Without further ado.

    I am going to cycle:
    -Extreme Mass, Anabolic Technologies
    -Halo-V Halodrol, Vital Labs

    -Blockade On Cycle Defense, Assault Labs

    PCT(so far):
    -AD-3 PCT, Lacheek nutrition
    -Post Cycle 3x, Vital Labs

    I have two questions on my PCT, one would be the obvious do I need a SERM? I have gotten two different answers of yes you do, and no you don't for this type of stack. I understand what a SERM is used for and what it does however it seems Nolvadex and Clomid is not available to me yet so I'd have to wait to start my cycle. Question two would be is an 'all in one' PCT any good or should I just buy the ingredients separately?

    Any answers or feedback is much appreciated, thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    You should really reconsider what your about to do. Pro hormones will shut down your natty test production. Without running test as a base it will leave you with low testosterone and all the sides that come with it. All that over the counter pct stuff us a waste and yes you need real serms for pct. Nolvadex and Clomid. I suggest you do more research and out together a better cycle when your ready

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    You should really reconsider what your about to do. Pro hormones will shut down your natty test production. Without running test as a base it will leave you with low testosterone and all the sides that come with it. All that over the counter pct stuff us a waste and yes you need real serms for pct. Nolvadex and Clomid. I suggest you do more research and out together a better cycle when your ready

    Will anabolic steroids not shut down my natty test production as well? I'll definitely do more research on PH's and anablolics but I am looking to run a cycle soon, not going to jump the gun by any means.

    However I will take your advice and hold off until I do understand every single component. Just wondering, designer steroid vs pure steroids?
    Last edited by rocky919; 12-06-2013 at 03:39 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by rocky919 View Post
    Will anabolic steroids not shut down my natty test production as well? I'll definitely do more research on PH's and anablolics but I am looking to run a cycle soon, not going to jump the gun by any means.

    However I will take your advice and hold off until I do understand every single component. Just wondering, designer steroid vs pure steroids?
    Yes they will but if you run test as a base it replaces the fact that you are suppressed eliminating the low t symptoms

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by rocky919 View Post
    Hey I have been bodybuilding for 5 years now been dying to go on a cycle and waited it out until now that I am 21. Since I've been reading on cycles I've gathered a large amount of information but some of it is conflicting so I thought I'd ask for the opinions on the inter web and then visit my doctor afterwards to double check. Without further ado.

    I am going to cycle:
    -Extreme Mass, Anabolic Technologies
    -Halo-V Halodrol, Vital Labs

    -Blockade On Cycle Defense, Assault Labs

    PCT(so far):
    -AD-3 PCT, Lacheek nutrition
    -Post Cycle 3x, Vital Labs

    I have two questions on my PCT, one would be the obvious do I need a SERM? I have gotten two different answers of yes you do, and no you don't for this type of stack. I understand what a SERM is used for and what it does however it seems Nolvadex and Clomid is not available to me yet so I'd have to wait to start my cycle. Question two would be is an 'all in one' PCT any good or should I just buy the ingredients separately?

    Any answers or feedback is much appreciated, thanks!
    what were you reading to come up with this plan? listen to Jimmy, you can seriously damage yourself if you continue.

    find out why.

    The Young and Steroids

    and you will need this when you are 25-30 years old if you continue,

    Finding a TRT Physician

    this is what you need to be doing now,

    So you wanna learn how to Diet?

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