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Thread: do i need pct?

  1. #1

    do i need pct?

    Hey Guys,

    Firstly Im not sure its a right section to post because my problem concerns DAA supplement booster.
    I just finished my cellucor p6 black extreme (new version) cycle which lasted 4.5 weeks. Its been a week since I took my last serving and my libido went down dramatically. I don't really know what to do right now. I think daa might increase prolactin levels in my body, so I started taking 400mg ed of vit. b6. I know it may sound funny but I didn't exeperience sex drive for about week.
    I appreciate any help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Have you had labs run to see what is going on with your hormone levels?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027 View Post
    Have you had labs run to see what is going on with your hormone levels?
    Thanks for reply jim
    I haven't blood work yet. Ill do it on Monday. Can I keep running vit b6 400mg ed or should I stop until I do my blood work?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by JuicyB
    Thanks for reply jim I haven't blood work yet. Ill do it on Monday. Can I keep running vit b6 400mg ed or should I stop until I do my blood work?
    are you just talking about vitamin b over the counter supplement?

  5. #5
    Im talking about vit b6 right now. I took my last pill of p6 black extreme on sunday 14 of december. Ill try to do blood work on next Monday. I just asked about vitamin b6 because it I've found that in high doses it might decrease prolactin levels.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Yeah I don't think it's going to hurt anything ultimately you need those labs to determine we're you are at

  7. #7
    Allright. Im going tommorow to do test labs. One guy asked cellucor about newest p6 black extreme ( old one was banned in 2008) and he received following mail.
    Androstenolone is just DHEA!

    We have the P5P in there, and the Mucuna sourced L-dopa to help manage prolactin issues, and the 3,3 DIM, to help metabolize the stronger estrogen, and keep them at their mildly active level, which is good for overall growth and strength. There is even enough zinc to potentially help with aromatase, especially at max dose, and stacked with our COR-ZMA ( my suggestion for the forever cuts!) This blend is about taking things up a notch with both test boosting and nootropic stoking of the brain.

    DAA-Mg-Chelate works by triggering a receptor now known as NMDA. This receptor does some very interesting things including helping to increase the output of testosterone when dosed and cycled properly. To further capitalize on this, we used D-Serine, what many call a nootropic, helps with the glycine receptor portion of the same site, and stimulates even more NMDA actvity apparently!

    Since, we can not leave well enough alone, the addition of something I've long enjoyed, ALPHA-GPC, a precursor to Acetyl Choline. One of the most prominent neurotransmitters, and the relative king of the mind muscle connection(MMC). So, while you are stimulating the NMDA channels, with both DAA-Mg-Chelate and D-Serine, you are also getting spikes in Acetyl-choline levels pre workout, and prior to bed (I dose my extra 3 caps an hour before bed). This means more MMC, and potential boosts in GH secretions.

    Its like a win-win, that just keeps getting better. The DHEA is managed by the ingredients in the first paragraph, and is simply there, because in certain situations the body can convert DHEA in necessary hormones. Its believed under the right conditions, DHEA can be beneficial to those who are training under high intensity, and or under more stress than the average person. The P5P, L-Dopa, and DIM, all help to maintain a balanced hormone level. "

    "The point of P6 Black is to increase Test and Estrogen ( though 3'3, DIM helps metabolize the stronger estrogens to weaker estrogens), and allow for maximum growth and hydration of the muscle tissues and connective tissues. The major concern was side effect control of say prolactin which can lead to the dreaded gyno, so we doubled up with both P5P and the L-dopa. So Prolactin and Estrogen are moderated, but still will allow maximum strength and lean mass growth.
    I bring this up , because I can't believe that this stuff can shut me down. It supposed to increases test production or modifiy existing test levels.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    The stuff is also supposed to increase estrogen levels.
    Get blood work done and check out the results.
    How are you feeling after taking vitamin B6 for a few days?
    Your doctor just might prescribe a small dose of pct for you.
    Next time conduct proper research before putting anything in your system
    Keep is posted

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Hopefully you get a full hormone panel

  10. #10
    Thanks for help guys.

    Im fine after b6 and I did research before I started taking this stuff also I haven't seen any bad review about libido. My libido was increased during the cycle but when I stopped it went down. My estrogen is fine I didn't get any acne or puffed nipples.

    My blood test:
    LH 2.70 range: 1.7-8.6
    Prolactin 113.3 range: 86-324
    Test 22.44 range: 8.64 - 29
    Last edited by JuicyB; 12-23-2013 at 09:47 AM.

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