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Thread: Do you keep a lot of aromatase enzyme Post cycle? (arimidex vs aromasin)

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Do you keep a lot of aromatase enzyme Post cycle? (arimidex vs aromasin)

    After a 9 month test cruise ( trt attempt failed), i've been off from everything for the last 7 weeks.

    I haven't done a PC. going for a blood test this week and wanted the result before starting PCT to see if I needed it.

    I feel, even doe my test is probably low right now, that I aromatise easily, more than pre cycle. If take arimidex, for 1-2 I feel like shit, than feel OK, than start aromatizing. Which seems strange to me since by now my body musn't have a lot of test to convert

    Which lead me to thinking, maybe the aromatase enzyme are still present in a important quantity, converting the little test I have to e2? Blood work, which Im gonna get result in maybe 10 days are going to confirm or not what I think, but could this make sense?

    If so, would aromasin be superior to arimdex, in the sense that if destroy the enzyme and not just block it? I mean ive been using arimidex pretty much all cruise long, so the enzymes now must be just deblocking and flood true my body like crazy since I slacked off on the arimidex intake post cycle, could it cause a estro rebound?
    Last edited by maelpj; 01-05-2014 at 01:52 PM.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by maelpj View Post
    After a 9 month test cruise ( trt attempt failed), i've been off from everything for the last 7 weeks.

    I haven't done a PC. going for a blood test this week and wanted the result before starting PCT to see if I needed it.

    Why would you not do pct and give yourself the best chance for a full and quicker recovery and less loss of gains made?

    I feel, even doe my test is probably low right now, that I aromatise easily, more than pre cycle. If take arimidex, for 1-2 I feel like shit, than feel OK, than start aromatizing. Which seems strange to me seems by body must now have a lot of test to convert..

    You should not need an AI off cycle. How do you "feel" this way? BW is the only indicator here.

    Which lead me to thinking, maybe the aromatase enzyme are still present in a important quantity, converting the little test I have to e2? Blood work, which Im gonna get result in maybe 10 days are going to confirm or not what I think, but could this make sense?

    No, you only have so much aromatase enzyme. People just convert at different rates.

    If so, would aromasin be superior to arimdex, in the sense that if destroy the enzyme and not just block it? I mean ive been using arimidex pretty much all cruise long, so the enzymes now must be just deblocking and flood true my body like crazy since I slacked off on the arimidex intake post cycle, could it cause a estro rebound?
    Aromasin or Adex is just personal choice. They both ultimately have the same effect. It's doubtful there's a large E2 rebound from your natural system slowly kicking back on.
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  3. #3
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    Just realise I expressed myself baddly.

    For the e2, puffy nips, oily skin, bloat who goes away when I take arimidex ( yepp, thinking about it I always had those kind of sides even pre trt at e2 around 21..)

    I didn't make gain during PCT, wasn't my goal, strangely, on TRT, i completely lost my passion for lifting so I didn't care about loosing gain ( hard to lose it anyway in 9 month I didn't gain a pound.)

    I agree blood test will tell the whole story.

    I know that aromasin destroy enzyme and arimidex just block it, that's what I understand cause the estrogen rebound, don't you think it could last till the enzyme are destroyed? Or the destroyed themselves (aka you piss them or whatever..)
    Last edited by maelpj; 01-05-2014 at 01:52 PM.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    E2 at 21 is fine. You don't need an AI at all. Consider different nutrition avenues to solve your issue. Some people just have puffy nips and/or hypersensitivity in that area. You should not be having any E rebound at this point and you should not relate your sensitivity to it, imho.

    Get your BW and then you need to define your personal goals. TRT, no TRT, etc.
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  5. #5
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    yeah that was pre trt, can't wait for the new bloods.

    I agree that the side might be related to nutrition, but Im just curious why taking an AI make skin less oily, bloat goes away and puffy nipples go away to.

    I know e2 and insulin are closely related, might be an intolerance to carbs and playing with e2 could change something in the carbs metabolism/whatever ( not enough knowledge on that to form a theory without sounding retard.)

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by maelpj View Post
    yeah that was pre trt, can't wait for the new bloods.

    I agree that the side might be related to nutrition, but Im just curious why taking an AI make skin less oily, bloat goes away and puffy nipples go away to.

    I know e2 and insulin are closely related, might be an intolerance to carbs and playing with e2 could change something in the carbs metabolism/whatever ( not enough knowledge on that to form a theory without sounding retard.)
    Those are all common sides to elevated estrogen and taking an ai will make those sides go away. The tough part is running the labs to find the sweet spot with your ai

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Jim he says his E2 is 21, unless I misread something. Then again, I doubt it was a sensitive assay. He's been off for 7 weeks or so.
    Talk to me, what's your thought process.

    Ahh, just saw E2 was pre TRT.
    Last edited by kelkel; 01-05-2014 at 02:40 PM.
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Jim he says his E2 is 21, unless I misread something. Then again, I doubt it was a sensitive assay. He's been off for 7 weeks or so.
    Talk to me, what's your thought process.

    Ahh, just saw E2 was pre TRT.
    Right... Hopefully he will get the sensitive essay done this time.

  9. #9
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    Yepp, but like I said, I had those sides even pre TRT with level around 21.

    What is a sentitive assay? I live in Canada, don't know if we have this here.

    here is the possible choice for my blood work related to endocrino:

    Free testosterone
    All thyroid test

    I don't see anything for an estrogen sensitive assay

    How I feel? ok energy, less libido than I have pre trt ( i had lower libido after 2 month on trt than pre trt and for the reminder of the failed trt, dispite multiple lab showing high test and e3 between 20-40.)

    What kinda worries me is that I was actually feeling a little better pre trt for the libido side and libido booster like mucuna pruriens or ginseng were working REALLY good pre trt, but on TRT and now they don't work at all.

    Guess im just gonna wait for bloods, see where Im at and ifit show same number as pre trt, I just fuked my dick for ever..
    Last edited by maelpj; 01-05-2014 at 02:54 PM.

  10. #10
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    Just want to had something, I had better libido when I was letting my e2 crepping back up during trt but the e2 were insane, and is was still not my libido pre TRT stacked with a dopamine agonist.

    I taught they might be two types of libido, one caused by elevated estrogen thuse elevating dopamine but serotonin at the same time, bluting slightly the libido, and the optimal on , with low-normal e2 and high dopamine and fully functional balls (aka medium LH and full balls.).

    My other theory was that I was regulary crushing my e2 during TRT when seeing those side, and every time e2 was going back up, my body was sensitive of estrogen and those I was feeling a little bit too much the raise in serotonin, blunting the dopamine at the same time.

    Don't know if it all make sense. Anyway, we'll wait for the labs.

  11. #11
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    How high were your t levels when your e was elevated?

  12. #12
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    1200-1400 2 day after injection, 950 4 day after injection ( was doing e5d injection)

  13. #13
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    anway no worries brother, with some introspection I pretty much know what is my problems.

    TRT made me realised that testosterone isn't everything to mood and libido.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by maelpj
    anway no worries brother, with some introspection I pretty much know what is my problems. TRT made me realised that testosterone isn't everything to mood and libido.
    its about finding the balance that's your sweet spot. Good luck and keep us posted

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