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After a 9 month test cruise ( trt attempt failed), i've been off from everything for the last 7 weeks.
I haven't done a PC. going for a blood test this week and wanted the result before starting PCT to see if I needed it.
Why would you not do pct and give yourself the best chance for a full and quicker recovery and less loss of gains made?
I feel, even doe my test is probably low right now, that I aromatise easily, more than pre cycle. If take arimidex, for 1-2 I feel like shit, than feel OK, than start aromatizing. Which seems strange to me seems by body must now have a lot of test to convert..
You should not need an AI off cycle. How do you "feel" this way? BW is the only indicator here.
Which lead me to thinking, maybe the aromatase enzyme are still present in a important quantity, converting the little test I have to e2? Blood work, which Im gonna get result in maybe 10 days are going to confirm or not what I think, but could this make sense?
No, you only have so much aromatase enzyme. People just convert at different rates.
If so, would aromasin be superior to arimdex, in the sense that if destroy the enzyme and not just block it? I mean ive been using arimidex pretty much all cruise long, so the enzymes now must be just deblocking and flood true my body like crazy since I slacked off on the arimidex intake post cycle, could it cause a estro rebound?