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Thread: Letro and nolvadex didn't help for pubertal gyno

  1. #1

    Letro and nolvadex didn't help for pubertal gyno

    I'm 23, I've had naturally occurred pubertal gyno (puffy nipples + lumps) for more than 5 years and I recently decided to get rid of it. I've been on Cipla's Nolvadex for 8 weeks (20 mg ED) but there were no noticeable effects, so I rather saved the remaining tablets for tapering down in future for letro. Then I switched to original Novartis Femara (letrozole) starting with 0.625 mg ED for 5 weeks. Because that didn't help, I continued with 0.833 mg ED for another 2 weeks following by 1.25 mg ED for 4 weeks, continuing with 2.5 mg ED for about 3 weeks and then slowly tapper dosages down back to 0.625 mg ED. As of now, I haven't take any for 2 weeks, but I've been taking nolvadex meanwhile.

    There were absolutely no changes to my gyno so far, which really makes me sad since letro is supposed to be strongest one. The only thing I've got was pain in the knees when I performed squats and libido was also low (I could still get a boner somehow though, but there were no morning woods even before that, because my T is low). Otherwise, I didn't really notice anything else, perhaps a bit more of chest hair.

    I've been working out for 7 years and currently my BF is about 12 %. The lowest I've been was 8-9 % last year, but I still have pretty much fat on pecs, I don't know why I can't get rid of it.

    What should I do now, I'm desperately out of ideas? Endocrinologist won't treat me because "gyno is completely normal" while surgery is out of league because I don't have money for it and insurance won't cover that. Here are the results from endo from last year:

    S-PTH 22 ng/L
    s-testosterone 10,8 nmol/L (about 317 ng/dL)
    s-lh 1,5 UI/L
    s-fsh 2,2 IU/L
    s-tsh 2,77 mU/L
    s-ft3 5,2 pmol/L
    s-ft4 13,6 pmol/L
    prolactin (POOL and PEG) 8,5 ug/L
    IGF-1 292 ug/l.

    And I didn't even get reference values, so they need to be checked on I suppose.
    In the first blood test, prolactin was way above normal, but then I got MRI and POOL/PEG tests and everything appeared to be normal. I've also been at ultrasound for chest and it showed up that I have 3x1 cm (1.18x0.39 inches) gyno on right side and none on left side. It's true that it's worse on right side, but nipple is still bounced and puffy on the left side.

    I could manage to get more raloxifene or tamoxifen, but I'm not sure if they could help in any way due to past self therapies. What do you think? I hope you will get me some good advises since doctors clearly let me down.

    Thanks and best regards.

  2. #2

    Also, how should I dose raloxifene if I decide to take it?

  3. #3
    188 views and not a single answer ? Is austinite still active on this forum?

  4. #4
    150/100/75/75/75... until improvement halts. 3 months and you might have a normal sculpted chest. You can run this as long as necessary to remedy the problem. I saw one guy do it for 9 months to get rid of his severe issue. Make sure you dont waste money or cheap out on the Ralox. If you want this problem gone then get pharma grade.

  5. #5
    Finally someone

    I'll get pharma grade (original Evista), but since it's very expensive, I really don't want to waste it with too high dosages. Tablets are 60 mg, so no way I can dose it so accurately. What would you suggest in that case?

  6. #6

    With pharma you should be fine as your potency will be optimal.

  7. #7
    Interesting, I've heard that 30 mg ED is more than enough, so I'm kind of confused now...

  8. #8
    That is definately too low. Especially for an already solidified case of gyno. Maybe you heard of someone using 30mg per day as preventative measure on cycle. Typical doses are 60-80 mgs per day for when your nips start to itch on cycle. If you feel more comfortable do 90/60/60/60....

  9. #9
    Expect solidified existing gyno to take a minimum of three months to be remedied.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    The protocol doesn't work for existing gyno. I used to have it and used letro and nolva for 4 months And nothing. Its a myth for pubertal gyno to be reversed if you've had it for years. Its not like women lose their breast tissue (not talking about the fat).

    Gyno reversal is possible on cycle since its still fresh but for pubertal gyno = extreme long shot.

    In the end I got surgery. Hope you fare better but just trying to be realistic.

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