I am doing a beginner cycle now first time of Test prop. I have been going to gym for on and off for 15 years and a good friend had test prop and wanted to sell to someone. I know maybe it's not good to do it for only 3 weeks but I can only do it for 3 weeks from this week because I am going to travel one week to other country in 5 weeks. I can do a 3 weeks cycle again when I come home because I go travel again 5 weeks after that. With the test and syringes there was a small bottle of some kind of pct but don't know what it is so my friend is going to ask the other guy ´what it is. But my questions are for this short cycle should I do only Nolva or both nolva and clomid and for how long and should I order an AI to have in hand if I get any estrogenic side effects? Also after the last shot is it good to take any supplements like tribulus and DAA to boost the natural test?