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Thread: first cycle in 15 years.....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Question first cycle in 15 years.....

    a friend of mine hooked me up with a web site for juice,i am use to going to tj but that was a long time ago.we had no pct.first of all ordering by mail is real sketchy like i did'nt want to come home from work...anyways my buddy told me it looks like i might have a little gyno but no worries.and im not tying to get super gains.he recommended this cycle for eight weeks a bottle of 250 enanthate 2 bottles of equipoise and fifty pills of anavar.then he said i needed pct ,he recommended hcg 5,000 aromisen 25 mg 40 pills and novadex 20 mg sixty pills.i have been doing allot of reading and it seems right any info?and he gave me a chart for taking all of this six foot four inches and 250 pounds he claims this will put about ten pounds of muscle and eat the fat????i have taken sustonon 250 with stenox and another cycle of cypinate with deca but that was about 15 years ago both put on allot of size butt allot of water.he claims running enanthanate at a cc a week and peaking two weeks at a cc and a half with reduce the water.
    Last edited by jolter604; 09-27-2014 at 08:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    This is the pct section. Reading the stickys will give you all the info needed. For your cycle you will get better responses in the aas section but you will need to list out your planned doses and compounds for review

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Just 1 cc of enanthanate for 8 to 10 weeks.2 ccs of enanthanate until it runs out then switch to anavar i have 50 pills so 2 pills a day one every 8 hours.hcg last 3 weeks of cycle and a week off.aromisen and nova fourth week and on and five weeks after.i was told this would bebefit me,due to not using pct before.and i am 36.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    i am also going to try hgh in another year,i was wondering what the doses would be for a solid 15 pounds?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by jolter604
    Just 1 cc of enanthanate for 8 to 10 weeks.2 ccs of enanthanate until it runs out then switch to anavar i have 50 pills so 2 pills a day one every 8 hours.hcg last 3 weeks of cycle and a week off.aromisen and nova fourth week and on and five weeks after.i was told this would bebefit me,due to not using pct before.and i am 36.
    1 cc or 2cc tells us nothing. Need to know what it is dosed at mg/ml?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    just 250 mgs of enathate and 400 mgs of eq every week for ten weeks last 25 day i will pop anavar every 12 hours one 25mg pill.

    for post i have aromisen ,i have 10,000 hcg for last couple of weeks and threw pct and novadex.

  7. #7
    You should read a lot more. You dont appear to have a grasp on the mechanics of AAS yet. Pay attention to the stickies in the Anabolic Forum, and pay particular attention to the Beginners Cycle threads. You'll be better off if you.

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