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Thread: Sensative Nipples this Early ?

  1. #1

    Sensative Nipples this Early ?

    Hi guys,

    Although ive been working out for nearly 7 years just over 2 weeks ago i decided to take the plunge and start my first cycle.

    My cycle is the following 500mg of Test-E every 5 days on a 10 week cycle and have Nolvadex and Arimidex on the ready.

    I took my 3rd shot on Sunday and was planning on taking the Nolva on the final weeks but about an hour ago i brushed my arm passed my nipple and it was really sore although from what i can tell i have no lump or disc shape behind it.

    I read online that it means my body has hit a test limit and this is a sign its trying to turn it into estrogen but i dont really want to be too hasty! Im wondering if i should change my cycle to ever 7 days instead of every 5.

    My question is, should i see if it goes after a few days or should i start taking an AI now ? I have 2 other guys i work out with who have their own views but i thought i would see what others thought first as theyre not getting anything like this yet and its not their body thats doing it !

    Would really appreciate any advice, thanks

    My details are

    37 years old, 6ft all and 13 stone
    Last edited by liamb2009; 10-07-2014 at 09:25 AM.

  2. #2
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
    jimmyinkedup is offline Disappointment* Known SCAMMER - Do Not Trust *
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    You shoud already be on an AI. Start the Arimidex. While hormonal fluctuations cause nipple sensitivity you need to manage e2 with an ai. The goal should be to keep e2 within normal ranges even when on cycle. Then you get the benefits of estrogen without the adverse effects. Id start that dex at .25mg eod right away.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    ^^^what he said.

    And read this, it has all you need to know for your Virgin cycle

  4. #4
    Thanks for the fast response lads ! im not able to get the Arimidex for a few days, is it worth taking some of the nolva now or should i wait and just take the AI ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by liamb2009
    Thanks for the fast response lads ! im not able to get the Arimidex for a few days, is it worth taking some of the nolva now or should i wait and just take the AI ?
    You can take nolvadex but it will not lower your circulating estrogen. It will just compete for the receptor in the mammary gland

  6. #6
    So im best forgetting the nolva untill i can get the Armidex dya reckon ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by liamb2009
    So im best forgetting the nolva untill i can get the Armidex dya reckon ?
    no I would run a low dose of nolva until the Adex comes

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Chicken All Day
    Agree with the Vets man. Run the adex. at .25mg eod

    Dont want to bash ya here at all. So dont take this wrong but you should'nt have started the cycle till you had it all on hand and should have started your AI the following day after first shot.

    Good luck to ya.

  9. #9
    Yeah thanks for the replies again, i appreciate that but i was told i could get it same day and was doubtful i would need it, but when i asked yesterday it was all out of stock, someone else bought a shit load of it i guess !

    Im hearing from some people and been reading from other sources that arimidex will kill my estrogen levels and this will have an adverse effect on muscle and strength gains, is that true ?...this is also the belief of my gym buddy but my argument why would some people include arimidex in their entire cycle if it did that, it would be counter productive surely ! would love to know your views on that.
    Last edited by liamb2009; 10-08-2014 at 04:18 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by liamb2009 View Post
    Hi guys,

    Although ive been working out for nearly 7 years just over 2 weeks ago i decided to take the plunge and start my first cycle.

    My cycle is the following 500mg of Test-E every 5 days on a 10 week cycle and have Nolvadex and Arimidex on the ready.

    I took my 3rd shot on Sunday and was planning on taking the Nolva on the final weeks but about an hour ago i brushed my arm passed my nipple and it was really sore although from what i can tell i have no lump or disc shape behind it.

    I read online that it means my body has hit a test limit and this is a sign its trying to turn it into estrogen but i dont really want to be too hasty! Im wondering if i should change my cycle to ever 7 days instead of every 5.

    My question is, should i see if it goes after a few days or should i start taking an AI now ? I have 2 other guys i work out with who have their own views but i thought i would see what others thought first as theyre not getting anything like this yet and its not their body thats doing it !

    Would really appreciate any advice, thanks

    My details are

    37 years old, 6ft all and 13 stone
    I start AI from start of cycle, I dont wait for issues. and i rec run cycle 12-14 weeks IMO

  11. #11
    thanks guys, whats your opinion on sources that believe taking AI form the begining of the cycle has adverse effects ? there seems to be quite a lot of stuff going about on the net and in the gym i goto saying that killing your estrogen levels completely with an AI can effect muscle and strength based on the fact estrogen has been proven to help build muscle. Is there any truth in that at all ?

    In hindsight this is why it took me so long to start my cycle as there is such a contrast of opinion from one place to the next but id really appreciate peoples opinions (who have done it themselves) on this

  12. #12
    whats peoples opinions on this ?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I crashed my E2 when I first started TRT. I was taking too much AI. That said it is all dialed in. Anyways, you need an AI on cycle no matter what. Do as recommended here and adjust if needed. Everyone is a little different but most respond well with EOD administration. You need to get it ASAP if you want to avoid Bologna tits.

  14. #14
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by liamb2009 View Post
    thanks guys, whats your opinion on sources that believe taking AI form the begining of the cycle has adverse effects ? there seems to be quite a lot of stuff going about on the net and in the gym i goto saying that killing your estrogen levels completely with an AI can effect muscle and strength based on the fact estrogen has been proven to help build muscle. Is there any truth in that at all ?

    In hindsight this is why it took me so long to start my cycle as there is such a contrast of opinion from one place to the next but id really appreciate peoples opinions (who have done it themselves) on this
    The idea of killing your estrogen is not what anyone here is implying. The idea of running the ai is to keep a healthy balance in estrogen levels.

  15. #15
    Ok cheers. I am still waiting on the arimidex was supposed to be this weekend but had no luck. Its been 6 days since i got the sensitivty and im getting a little worried im on day 5 of taking the nolva and it seems to be makimg no diffference to the sensitivity. Is there anything else i can do other than wait on the arimidex ??

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Can you just order from Ar?

  17. #17
    Whats ar ?

    Ive just been told im not able to get arim now only letro which ive heard is really harsh...starting to panic a bit now. Should i go for the letro or is there maybe a reliable sourve in the uk i can get it online ??

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by liamb2009
    Whats ar ? Ive just been told im not able to get arim now only letro which ive heard is really harsh...starting to panic a bit now. Should i go for the letro or is there maybe a reliable sourve in the uk i can get it online ??
    ar-r it's our board sponsor

  19. #19
    They look usa based im from the uk mate

  20. #20
    will they deliver to the Uk, can i expect any problems or duty to pay etc ?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I'm not sure if they ship to the UK but you need to find a source ASAP.

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