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Thread: Newbie.

  1. #1


    Hello out there. I'm a 36 year old just looking to use some test just as therapy to bring my self back to younger levels. I'm have a hard time getting my doctor on board so I'm looking for advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Asia but not Asian.
    Step 1. Go do your labs

    CBC, hormone panel, CMP (Complete Metabolic Panel)

    Read the stickies and they will give you complete details on exact tests you want. I would do a thyroid panel also.

    Step 2: Bring them back here and post them for the Seniors to look at and give advice. You may or may not need may have another "basic" issue that could be quickly fixed and return vitality and youth to you. You may have a testosterone issue and you NEED TO KNOW where you are to start to see if your medicines are working properly.

    KelKel put it best...TrT doctors are FOR PROFIT. The only person that gives a real damn about you is..YOU. The guys on here answer stuff real Endo and urologists have to research. Use this resource.

    Step 3: Read the Stickies. Understand the risks and responsibilities involved. It is all here better than any journal...just read.

    I personally used all the info here and a few outside sources from medical journals and my life is 180 degrees different now. 18- 22 year old girlfriend? Nope. Three of them actually and I am in my 40s. Strong? I rep my maxes from when I was 18 with ease and everyone notices it. Improvement on my body? Everyone sees the changes and talks about the training I do in the gym and try to copy it now.

    I was a special case...Primary Hypogonadal. My changes are the same ones you can have. Fat bumpkin to making HUGE strides toward being a stud.....but do it correctly with knowledge and with people that know.

    Good luck on your journey. You have taken the first step.

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