I have a question and I'm hoping you can give me your opinion on it!
I ran 650mg/wk of Test e starting March 20th along with Anadrol for the first 2 weeks and NPP at 400 mg/wk for 8 weeks! So the only thing left in my system right now is the test e! I didn't really run any AIs because no sides appeared so I didn't feel the need to take the Arimidix. I'm also running HcG at 250 iu twice a week!
No here is my planned route: My last pin was on Saturday the 27th , and I start my PCT next Saturday the 11th which is 13 days after my last pin.. I plan on running HcG until 2 days before I start PCT and then run clomid at 50/50/25/25 and Nolva at 40/40/20/20
I have aromasin and arimidix on hand, but from my understanding I would be risking an estrogen rebound if I run them during my PCT, some others suggest running Arimidix and taper it off!
I would really appreciate the input and critiques!
Thank you