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Thread: Need PCT Help

  1. #1

    Need PCT Help

    8 months ago (when I was 17) I made a mistake and I took prohormones from a local sports supplements shop. I realize that this decision was a mistake and I needed to do extensive research prior to taking the pills, but at the time the guy at the shop told me that the side effects were minimal. After googling the compound I believe that the prohormone I was taking was superdrol. I took it orally 10mg a day (20mg a day for a week but the sides were too strong) and stopped after a month. I took the "recovery pills" which I was told were anti-estrogen pills. I did not take any SERMs. It's now 8 months later and I have feel as though my testosterone is a little bit down. I don't get morning wood anymore, and although I can get erection, I don't have a desire to and don't have as strong of a libido as I did before. I got my test and progesterone tested. My test was 244 ng/dL, free test 4.9 pg/mL, and progesterone .7 ng/mL. So my test and free test are below normal levels (especially for someone my age).

    I was wondering, if I take clomid/nolva now (8 months after cycle) will I still be able to boost my test to normal levels? If so will my test levels stay at normal?

    Thank you for any help you may be able to provide

  2. #2
    Bump, any help would be appreciated

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Before treating anything I would get a full hormone panel done. I would like to see you lh function

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Bio-Active View Post
    Before treating anything I would get a full hormone panel done. I would like to see you lh function
    Just LH? What specifically do I need tested? The place where I get my blood tests charges for each test individually. By full hormone panel what does that include?

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