Just wanted to give a shout out to the search function of this forum, it works wonderfully and it's something everyone should try.
I'm in day 4 of my PCT from my first cycle and I feel like complete crap. I'm tired, grumpy and lethargic. My workouts are a grind, and I have ZERO appetite. So I search something similar to "first pct makes me feel like a whiny little bitch" and up pops a thousand posts, all describing my exact state, reassuring me it's normal, it sucks, but that my protocol is sound (nolva/chlomid) and I just need to tough it out.
Thanks Search buddy, you're awesome and I didn't even have to try that hard for the info I wanted.
(In all seriousness, to everyone who contributes to this site, thank you. You're past posts are extremely helpful)