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Thread: PCT advice

  1. #1

    PCT advice

    I'm currently running a 8 week cycle of progain (mast,test and tren) at 3ml a week. I'm going to run clomid and nolvadex for my pct, would people advise to run HCG too? And if so at what dosage?

    Also what experiences have people had not running HCG on their pct?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Currently?...You should start hcg rigth away at 500 iu ew and dont use it in your pct.

    I have run 20 cycles without hcg and one with hcg. Except from bigger balls and easier sex i cant say i noticed much of a difference.

  3. #3
    Should you do HCG just for the heck of increasing your testicular size & reactivating your natural testosterone and boosting your labido?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    OP you should be more worried about cycling at all at the age of 21 let alone tren. More worried because you have a blend. And even more worried that you started this cycle without knowing about HCg when you have been a member here 2 years.

    Please layout your full cycle

    Concentration of your blend? 3ml is I ameasure of volume on LH

    Ai dosage

    Any DA

    Full PCT plan?

  5. #5
    1) HCG is for on cycle, not for PCT
    2) If you're still in the beginning of your cycle, quit the drugs now and run a PCT... Otherwise you're going to be screwed long term running that cycle at 21

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    PCT advice

    I should have restated that last time I ran AASs, I DID run them correctly, but where I messed up was PCT.

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