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Thread: Pct failed

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Pct failed

    hello guys, i was on test enanthate 100 mg per week and sustanon 100 mg per nxt week (very weird but more like TRT ) for almost a year, and than after 2 weeks off i used hcg 5000iu for 2 weeks( one each week) and than tamoxifin for 4 weeks 20 mg each day. and than i took another hcg 5000iu after a month

    Cleary i messed up everything, as even after a year, i can feel i m low on natural test and i c the balls arent that big. libido isnt the same as it was when i never used anything.

    after messing everything, everything functions but not even close to saying it works efficiently.

    it happened similarly few years ago, but than i had to start a cycle again so i didnt worry and after that cycle and PCT, everything became normal. but this time i messed up.

    i have started taking tamoxifin now, i m from a country where test enanthate costs like around 3 dollers for 200 mg. and its original stuff, and tamoxifin 10 mg costs like 50 cents for 10 tabs, and HCG 5000iu costs around 6 dollers. so i can get almost anything.

    any advice to get everything healthy again ? or back to normal ? n i know i was stupid, so please guys i really need some good suggestions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Yes, I agree, your PCT had somethings wrong.

    What was the objective of this? Only 200mg TRT dosage will not give you much gains, and now you are at risk of not recovering.

    First let me say that you should avoid using such big doses of HCG. High dosages are used in women to emulate the preovulatory LH peak, in males it is not advised as there are concerns about desensitizing Lydig cells (those are the cells that produce testosterone) to LH promoting primary hypogonadism.

    There are not guarantees of recovery, but the best available protocol for trying to recover would be:

    Part 1:
    HCG 1000ui EOD for 10 days - Bloodwork after last HCG shot, basically you just need to check total testosterone. If total testosterone is at a value that confirms testicles are working, ruling out primary hypogonadism, proceed to part 2.

    Part 2:
    Clomid 75-50-50-50, Tamoxifen 40-20-20-20 - This are mg values per day, per week. So 4 weeks of SERMs therapy.

    Full hormonal blood work should be done 6-8 weeks after finishing protocol.

  3. #3
    Mr.BB I have a question...

    I have never used HCG before, lets suppose I want to do the same protocol... 1000ui EOD is not too much ? Like you said, its risking to desensitizing the Lyding cells, or am I wrong ? What should be a good dose for a first time try ?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Home of the Braves
    Quote Originally Posted by IronMasca View Post
    Mr.BB I have a question...

    I have never used HCG before, lets suppose I want to do the same protocol... 1000ui EOD is not too much ? Like you said, its risking to desensitizing the Lyding cells, or am I wrong ? What should be a good dose for a first time try ?
    250ius 2x weekly is usually plenty. I've done 500ius once weekly with good results, but like test, I think 2x weekly is best.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Home of the Braves
    Sorry man. I just saw you asked BB. I butted in without realizing

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by IronMasca View Post
    Mr.BB I have a question...

    I have never used HCG before, lets suppose I want to do the same protocol... 1000ui EOD is not too much ? Like you said, its risking to desensitizing the Lyding cells, or am I wrong ? What should be a good dose for a first time try ?
    Maybe its better for you to create your own thread, the OP was Heynce and it was a very particular situation.

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