hello guys, i was on test enanthate 100 mg per week and sustanon 100 mg per nxt week (very weird but more like TRT ) for almost a year, and than after 2 weeks off i used hcg 5000iu for 2 weeks( one each week) and than tamoxifin for 4 weeks 20 mg each day. and than i took another hcg 5000iu after a month
Cleary i messed up everything, as even after a year, i can feel i m low on natural test and i c the balls arent that big. libido isnt the same as it was when i never used anything.
after messing everything, everything functions but not even close to saying it works efficiently.
it happened similarly few years ago, but than i had to start a cycle again so i didnt worry and after that cycle and PCT, everything became normal. but this time i messed up.
i have started taking tamoxifin now, i m from a country where test enanthate costs like around 3 dollers for 200 mg. and its original stuff, and tamoxifin 10 mg costs like 50 cents for 10 tabs, and HCG 5000iu costs around 6 dollers. so i can get almost anything.
any advice to get everything healthy again ? or back to normal ? n i know i was stupid, so please guys i really need some good suggestions.