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Thread: Cut during pct or after?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Cut during pct or after?

    This has probably been covered before a bunch, not even sure if this is the right thread fir this question but my cycle has 5 weeks left and I'm wondering should i start a cut during pct or should i wait until after and if after how long?

    I know if i continue to eat and train as if i was on cycle during pct i should retain a good amount of my gains so I'm wondering if a 300 cal deficit and decrease in carbs will hinder that? I'm not really in a crazy rush to cut but it'd be nice to really shred and see where i am and what has been gained on my first cycle

    Again I'm not in a rush so of course i want to do whatever would be the most beneficial to retaining my gains even if that means holding off on a cut for a bit

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Yes, cutting during PCT will hinder retention of gains. Normally eating more and training less in this time is recommended.

    I'd wait 6-8 weeks post PCT to give your natty test levels a chance to recover boxer performing a slow cut.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Yes, cutting during PCT will hinder retention of gains. Normally eating more and training less in this time is recommended.

    I'd wait 6-8 weeks post PCT to give your natty test levels a chance to recover boxer performing a slow cut.
    Ok awesome thats exactly what i needed to know, thanks man!!!

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