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Thread: First time cycle help!

  1. #1

    Exclamation First time cycle help!

    hey forum,

    I've been lifting for about 3 years and just recently a friend of mine introduced me into Test. After researching what he takes and how it affects the body and what not, I decided to give it a go. I had no idea about it till recently, so the only place I got it from was through my friend and his connect.

    I did 500mg of Testosterone Cyponiate, Twice a week for 10 weeks. This was done through a syringe. It was combined with a bit of e-blocker every other week, or when water retention/ chest tingling was at a high. As I was told and through research, I was going to run a PCT two weeks at the end of my cycle.

    Turns out my "Friend" and I stopped talking, he was a shitty ass dude and really irresponsible when it came to this. I don't like blaming other people, but I had no choice as I had no where else to get the Test and PCT.

    Anyways, I couldn't get my hand on PCT and it's been 6 weeks since I last injected. I don't know what to do, should I still do a PCT? Also I've been getting a lot more acne on my face, and really bad acne on my chest, shoulders and back! I've gained a decent amount of fat too. Sex drive isn't gone, but it's not as good. Mood is completely normal.

    Please help. I should have prepared better prior, but I learned my lesson and want to do better from here on out.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    yes you should run hcg/nolva/clomid for PCT, better late than never dont forget to take for exmaple D.A.A, tribulus, schizandra .... and other things which rise your test level . good luck

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by yesidont View Post
    yes you should run hcg/nolva/clomid for PCT, better late than never dont forget to take for exmaple D.A.A, tribulus, schizandra .... and other things which rise your test level . good luck
    Thanks. What dosage and how long should I run those first three for PCT at? I know I should be more informed but kind of got put into this blindsided. Also are good quality available online?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by kp917 View Post
    Thanks. What dosage and how long should I run those first three for PCT at? I know I should be more informed but kind of got put into this blindsided. Also are good quality available online?
    You should use nolva and clomid for four weeks at the doses below.

    Hcg is suppressive to natural hormone production.

    Due to this hcg should be used on cycle to keep leydig cells functioning ant not during PCT.

    Also there's no need for over the counter test boosters.

    They are a waste of money and if they do raise your test level then they will be suppressive to natural test production.

    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    Edit: You should wait until your late 20s before using AS again. If you continue taking steroids in your early 20s before your brain and sexual organs have matured you will drastically increase your chances of having life long side effects.
    Last edited by numbere; 04-28-2017 at 03:36 PM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    You should use nolva and clomid for four weeks at the doses below.

    Hcg is suppressive to natural hormone production.

    Due to this hcg should be used on cycle to keep leydig cells functioning ant not during PCT.

    Also there's no need for over the counter test boosters.

    They are a waste of money and if they do raise your test level then they will be suppressive to natural test production.

    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    Edit: You should wait until your late 20s before using AS again. If you continue taking steroids in your early 20s before your brain and sexual organs have matured you will drastically increase your chances of having life long side effects.
    Thanks a lot for the information. This has helped more than anyone i've talked to in person.
    You're right, I don't think I need AS at the age of 21, so i'm just going to get my natural test levels back to normal and then be natural until later.

    Appreciate it.

    One thing though, is there any way I can get those online? Whats a credible site I can use

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by kp917 View Post
    Thanks a lot for the information. This has helped more than anyone i've talked to in person.
    You're right, I don't think I need AS at the age of 21, so i'm just going to get my natural test levels back to normal and then be natural until later.

    Appreciate it.

    One thing though, is there any way I can get those online? Whats a credible site I can use
    Not using AS again would be a smart decision.

    There is still a wealth of knowledge in the training and diet forums that would benefit a natural lifter.

    You should consider posing your stats, goals and detailed diet so that members can offer advice.

    Everyone can make improvements in their diet regime.

    There are several reliable overseas pharmacys where you can get pharmacy grade PCT SERMs without a prescription.

    However, the lead time is usually around 10-14 days to get a pack from overseas.

    Imo your best course of action is to find a domestic research chemical supplier.

    You shouldn't have much difficulty finding one because there are dozens and you will have your SERMs in a few days.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Not using AS again would be a smart decision.

    There is still a wealth of knowledge in the training and diet forums that would benefit a natural lifter.

    You should consider posing your stats, goals and detailed diet so that members can offer advice.

    Everyone can make improvements in their diet regime.

    There are several reliable overseas pharmacys where you can get pharmacy grade PCT SERMs without a prescription.

    However, the lead time is usually around 10-14 days to get a pack from overseas.

    Imo your best course of action is to find a domestic research chemical supplier.

    You shouldn't have much difficulty finding one because there are dozens and you will have your SERMs in a few days.
    I think i'll have my hands on some eventually. My acne is worse than I had in highschool, and gaining fat like no other.

    When I do happen to get the PCT stuff, is there anyway I should go about it?
    As in taking the dose, changing my diet, etc...

    What are some of the side effects i'll go through, anything to look out for?

    Appreciate the help.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by kp917 View Post
    I think i'll have my hands on some eventually. My acne is worse than I had in highschool, and gaining fat like no other.

    When I do happen to get the PCT stuff, is there anyway I should go about it?
    As in taking the dose, changing my diet, etc...

    What are some of the side effects i'll go through, anything to look out for?

    Appreciate the help.
    Did you experience any shrinkage to your boys? Once those start kicking back on, you'll probably feel some pain down below.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by canadian77 View Post
    Did you experience any shrinkage to your boys? Once those start kicking back on, you'll probably feel some pain down below.
    They've been small since I started by cycle, not surprised because I feel like my test levels aren't normal yet.
    I'm finally getting some tomorrow. Hopefully it works out well

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Not using AS again would be a smart decision.

    There is still a wealth of knowledge in the training and diet forums that would benefit a natural lifter.

    You should consider posing your stats, goals and detailed diet so that members can offer advice.

    Everyone can make improvements in their diet regime.

    There are several reliable overseas pharmacys where you can get pharmacy grade PCT SERMs without a prescription.

    However, the lead time is usually around 10-14 days to get a pack from overseas.

    Imo your best course of action is to find a domestic research chemical supplier.

    You shouldn't have much difficulty finding one because there are dozens and you will have your SERMs in a few days.

    At 21 and finally relized u are too young and six weeks gone u should just wait. Adding 4 weeks with female breastcancer medicin is not for u now.
    PCT will not speed up your natty production. It will just raise test while your natty production is healing.My 20 first cycles was without pct. I was good. Lee Priest (see pic)never did one single pct.
    Your mood is good, sexdrive a bit low. But this will only be better and better. You have left the hardest weeks already. If u have damaged your hpta (most likely not), a pct will not help u.

    Numbere is a very knowledgeable member, but me and him disagree on this one. I guess u will be confused. But stil, this is my advice.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	leeeeeeeeeeeeee.jpg 
Views:	105 
Size:	6.0 KB 
ID:	169225
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 05-11-2017 at 02:10 AM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    At 21 and finally relized u are too young and six weeks gone u should just wait. Adding 4 weeks with female breastcancer medicin is not for u now.
    PCT will not speed up your natty production. It will just raise test while your natty production is healing.My 20 first cycles was without pct. I was good. Lee Priest (see pic)never did one single pct.
    Your mood is good, sexdrive a bit low. But this will only be better and better. You have left the hardest weeks already. If u have damaged your hpta (most likely not), a pct will not help u.

    Numbere is a very knowledgeable member, but me and him disagree on this one. I guess u will be confused. But stil, this is my advice.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	leeeeeeeeeeeeee.jpg 
Views:	105 
Size:	6.0 KB 
ID:	169225
    Greatly appreciate both the advice.
    I couldn't even get my hands on the proper cycle for PCT. A buddy of mine only had (8) pills of 10mg Novla that he gave me, and he's going to try to find some Clomid. I could take the 10mg a day or just ride it out.

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