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Thread: TEST E/ EQ PCT questions.

  1. #1

    TEST E/ EQ PCT questions.

    Test E/EQ PCT Questions
    37 y/o male.
    First cycle.

    Start weight 187lbs, 6' tall lean
    Currently 206lbs lean

    Looking for advice on PCT for following cycle.

    Weeks 1-13 EQ 500
    Weeks 1-14 TEST-E 500

    I am currently on week 11 of this cycle, and have been running .5 Adex EOD.

    I'm not planning on running hcg due to lack of opportunity (I will be traveling through many countries during the 10-20 day time frame post cycle.)

    I am planning on starting my PCT on week 17 ( 21 days post eq pin, and 14 days post Test E pin)

    My questions are...

    Should I run adex until PCT begins, or through PCT?
    Should I lower the dose of ADEX post cycle?
    Is it recommended to run Nova and Clomid, or just Nova?
    What doses would be recommended?

    What can I expect before during and after PCT in terms of libido? ( I have been away from my wife for the past 4 months and will be getting back home just prior to starting my PCT, so obviously I'm looking to make up for lost time!!!)

    Should I or Could I take an OTC test booster after PCT to help bring my levels up? Or is it just better to ride it out?

    Any answers, comments, or advice is greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    NC Highlands
    Quote Originally Posted by Odesta View Post
    Test E/EQ PCT Questions
    37 y/o male.
    First cycle.

    Start weight 187lbs, 6' tall lean
    Currently 206lbs lean

    Looking for advice on PCT for following cycle.

    Weeks 1-13 EQ 500
    Weeks 1-14 TEST-E 500

    I am currently on week 11 of this cycle, and have been running .5 Adex EOD.

    I'm not planning on running hcg due to lack of opportunity (I will be traveling through many countries during the 10-20 day time frame post cycle.)

    I am planning on starting my PCT on week 17 ( 21 days post eq pin, and 14 days post Test E pin)

    My questions are...

    Should I run adex until PCT begins, or through PCT?
    Should I lower the dose of ADEX post cycle?
    Is it recommended to run Nova and Clomid, or just Nova?
    What doses would be recommended?

    What can I expect before during and after PCT in terms of libido? ( I have been away from my wife for the past 4 months and will be getting back home just prior to starting my PCT, so obviously I'm looking to make up for lost time!!!)

    Should I or Could I take an OTC test booster after PCT to help bring my levels up? Or is it just better to ride it out?

    Any answers, comments, or advice is greatly appreciated.

    I've seen the answers so much that I've just about got it memorized.

    -You should, absolutely under any and all circumstances, run HCG during cycle, only. 500mcg, 2Xweek (or every three days-roughly, you can just pin e3d before bed). If you haven't been running HCG you should get some immediately. *
    -AI stops for PCT, and don't lower dose of AI, your body is still running on the test/eq. *
    -Run clomid and Nolva. *
    -PCT will suck. *
    * The specifics regarding dose and all of these other answers can be found in a stickie at the top of this thread.
    Best of Luck!

  3. #3
    Thanks quester,

    Are you suggesting running HCG immediately for the remainder of the cycle?

    On the "how to come off steroids" form, it suggests that when using long esters, and when not using HCG on cycle, then HCG should start 10 days after the last test injection and be run for 10 days, starting PCT, Immediately following the last day of HCG injections.

    From the sight...

    "If HCG is used as part of the PCT plan (generally not recommended if used on cycle) if all short ester base steroids are used HCG use will begin approximately 3 days after your last injection and last for 10 days of treatment. If any large ester base steroids are used HCG will begin approximately 10 days after your last injection and last for 10 days of treatment. In either case, once HCG use is complete the use of SERMs will immediately begin."

    It also suggested that the dose will be 500iu ED from day 10 to 20 post cycle and pre PCT.

    I'm just looking to confirm what the most recent understanding is about this because I've read so much conflicting info on posts about this, mind you the info spreads over 10 years.

    I welcome any responses

    Thanks in advance

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Here is a more updated thread

    If you can get it then start immediately up to 3 days before PCT starts.


    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

  5. #5
    Thanks for your input BIB.

    I should be able to pick some up tomorrow and start immediately, I would be able to run it for 3.5 weeks until my last pin, but there will be 5 days after that where I will not be able to pin due to travel and the countries I will be in. ( long story, but believe me, not possible) on day 6, I wold be able to resume until 3 days before PCT.

    Would a 6 day void be detrimental without it?

    Would starting again after the trip be a good idea or would just stopping after my 3.5 weeks be better?

    And just to confirm, we're talking about 250IU 3x week?

    Thanks again for your advice.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Some is better than none so if you can start again do.

    250iu x 2 per week is pretty standard but 500iu x 2 per week for your first couple of weeks may help as you have been so long without.

  7. #7
    Thanks for sharing this detail.

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