34yo male, 90kg, 13%BF
After 13 weeks of Test cyp/prop at 700mg per week (first 6 weeks were 350mg per week) and adex 0.25mg ED for last 3 weeks, I've now started my PCT
The doc had this protocol for me. For 2 weeks:
20mg Nolva
250IU Hexarelin
After 2 weeks, we evaluate and see if we need to continue for another 2 weeks, then maybe add Clomid after if need be.
So far day 5 of PCT. Labido is still rocking. I also feel great... get a burst of energy mid day all the way to end of day after my PCT administration.
What are your thoughts? I challenged it with traditional PCT of nolva and clomid but he said just to stick to this.
I know that general consensus is to use HCG during cycle, so I'm not sure why he didn't include that to begin with.
My balls have shrunken, that's for sure, but I do feel day 5 they're no longer peanut size, but got a bit more bulk to them.