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Thread: PCT Log after 12 month B&C

  1. #1
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    PCT Log after 12 month B&C

    Hi guys,

    So I have decided to write a recovery log after a 12 month blast and cruise. About 8 months blasting total.

    Background – 24 years old, started using AAS at 19. This was my first blast and cruise, have previously recovered well from standard time on/time off protocol… During the past 12 months I have used the following; Tren A, Tren E, Npp, Deca, Test E & Dbol. Various doses, all time high was 2grams a week of test, NPP and Deca.

    My plan; last shot I did was on the 26th October, I am going to wait three weeks and then start the PCT below. I have chosen this PCT after reading countless success stories on using this protocol to restart after long term use.

    It is a slightly altered version of the Dr. Scally Power PCT.

    21 days after last shot Deca/test (Starting 16th November 2017)

    Day 1-20 HCG @ 2000 IU EOD
    Day 1-20 AI @ 0.5mg EOD
    Day 15-51 Clomid @ 50mg 2x PD
    Day 15-66 Nolvadex @ 20mg 2x PD

    4 weeks after PCT I will get blood work.

    Diet; I am vegan so i eat a plant based diet have been vegan for 2 years total.. Food consists of oats, lentils, 100% peanut butter, tofu, rice, various fruits/vegetables and some soy milk. Macros sit at around 450 carb, 180 protein and 60g fat.

    FYI, for those of you who are interested since going vegan my performance has increased, i lost body fat and gained more LBM. I feel very light 24/7, no bloat or stomach issues that come with diary/meat. I will never go back.. it rocks!

    Training; So i follow a low volume high frequency program. This is what has worked best for me comparing various programmes over the past 8 years of training.

    Pull Workout
    High Pull 2x6, 1xRPS 10-12
    High CG Pull 2x6, 1xRPS 10-12
    Row Movement 2x8, 1x6/8/10 DS
    Bicep Movement 2x6, 1xRPS 10-12
    Ham Curl or Romanian DL 2x6, 1xRPS 10-12

    Push Workout
    Flat/Inc Press 2x6 & 1xRPS 10-12
    Lat Raise/OHP 2x6, 1xRPS 10-12
    Chest Fly’s 2x8 & 1x6/8/10 DS
    Tri Movement 2x6 & 1xRPS 10-12
    S-Squat/R-Lunge 2x6, 1xRPS 10-12

    I usually train each muscle group 3x per week. Each session lasts around 35-45 minutes.

    Last edited by Eduke93; 04-26-2018 at 09:09 AM. Reason: SERMS start time changed due to half life.

  2. #2
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    So yesterday was my first shot of HCG, the past three weeks i have felt great. I know that the drugs have been in my system during this time, but this is the best i have felt in a long time... My body has dropped around 10lbs of water i am vascular and look leaner. I have not lost any size.

    I have zero brain fog of which i was struggling with when i was on gear, my energy levels are higher, sensitive nipples have gone, performance in the gym has also been great... Sex drive has dropped slightly, but still good to go 1-2x per day with the misses.

    So far so good... I know its still a long road ahead!!
    Last edited by Eduke93; 11-17-2017 at 06:23 AM.

  3. #3
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    I wish there were more vegans maybe beef prices would go down!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    I wish there were more vegans maybe beef prices would go down!
    There would be less demand for the product so prices would infact increase otherwise how would the industry sustain itself?

    Basic economics...

    Demand Increase: price increases, quantity increases. Demand Decrease: price decreases, quantity decreases.
    Last edited by Eduke93; 11-17-2017 at 03:37 PM.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eduke93 View Post
    There would be less demand for the product so prices would infact increase otherwise how would the industry sustain itself?

    Basic economics...

    Demand Increase: price increases, quantity increases. Demand Decrease: price decreases, quantity decreases.
    Yes but you are not including availability. Beef prices are high because there is little availability. If less was bought more would be available causing a price drop because of surplus.

    Beef markets are often offset by an 18 month replacement cycle. Last increase was caused by beef markets performing well so heifers were slaughtered leaving little replacemet heifers so the 18 month replacement time...

    Nice log I will be watching with interest. I have no beef with you...

    "I'm a vegetarian and I aint fuckin scared of him"


  6. #6
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    I am not a vegetarian btw was just quoting song.
    Not songdog I was quoting music.

    I am sitting here with an empty bag of beef jerky.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Yes but you are not including availability. Beef prices are high because there is little availability. If less was bought more would be available causing a price drop because of surplus.

    Beef markets are often offset by an 18 month replacement cycle. Last increase was caused by beef markets performing well so heifers were slaughtered leaving little replacemet heifers so the 18 month replacement time...

    Nice log I will be watching with interest. I have no beef with you...

    "I'm a vegetarian and I aint fuckin scared of him"


    Beef would become more available but for just a limited amount of time. Therefore with less demand after the excess beef has been sold there would still be a price increase.

    Anyway, I’m not here to debate economics of agriculture, my position is more ethics & health anyway. Anyone who wants to discuss can PM me! Lol, this my recovery log not a vegan debate lol!

  8. #8
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    Few shots of HCG down.. Balls have doubled in size and feel very "tight".

    Sex drive is on the high end.
    Weight is the same.
    Strength has actually increased...

    Not much else to report, over ate this weekend. Averaged at 5500 calories both Saturday and Sunday, no fat gained. Still look lean after water dropping.

    Feeling good.

  9. #9
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    Just a theoretical assumption with no experimenting done myself, but there could be reason to start the SERMs just a little earlier. They have long half lives and you don't get high serum levels instantly. You may notice a drop in test levels in the transition phase as I did after my first cycle... if you let it build up you might get a more smooth transition. After all Dr Scallys power pct has SERMs taken together.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    Just a theoretical assumption with no experimenting done myself, but there could be reason to start the SERMs just a little earlier. They have long half lives and you don't get high serum levels instantly. You may notice a drop in test levels in the transition phase as I did after my first cycle... if you let it build up you might get a more smooth transition. After all Dr Scallys power pct has SERMs taken together.
    Hi mate

    Thanks for the input, You've given me something to think about! Ill look into it, but i am toward using this approach as it seems like the logical thing to do based on the drugs half life!


    "Edit: SERM's to start at day 15 as oppose to day 21"
    Last edited by Eduke93; 11-21-2017 at 07:12 AM.

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Are you planning BW a couple months post pct?
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Are you planning BW a couple months post pct?

    Hello! Blood work planned 4 weeks post PCT. would you recommend wait 8 weeks?

  13. #13
    6-8 weeks
    8 weeks being better IMHO

  14. #14
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    What DD said.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    What DD said.
    Will go for 8 weeks then!!

  16. #16
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    On the 4 week mark today...

    First day I have felt a bit tired and lacked some energy, not sure if this is related to coming off or if its just me... but anyway..

    Sex drive is still good..
    Training is still good..
    Weight is the same...

    Overall, not bad so far apart from today's tiredness... I have a feeling its going to be a bit bumpy from here onwards!!

  17. #17
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    Feeling good, a lot better than i thought i would anyway.

    Energy levels are fine, i would say i feel a little tired at the moment. But i am comparing this to being on deca/test so when i say tired, i no longer feel i like a super human... I feel as i felt last year when i was off. Which is good...

    Weight is the same, I have lost some hardness but thats pretty standard.

    Strength is the same, I actually feel a lot more explosive in my training. I feel very nimble and light.

    Currently sitting at 190lbs 5ft 10.

    Sleeping well, sex drive is good. Again i feel as if it has gone back to "normal". Can still hold an erection as normal...

    Start Clomid/Nolva on 1st December.

    Have increased training volume as i am enjoying being in the gym at the moment, have also changed my approach slightly. Still Push/Pull, have introduced a few super-sets here and there, drop sets etc.. Just for more intensity/volume.

    Diet has been uniform. about 500C 180P 60-70F.

    Not much else to update...

  18. #18
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    Update; Day 39…

    Training – All is going well, as I said previously I have increased intensity/volume and I feel great, I feel big, strong and agile. Waist has shrunk, dropped all the crappy water weight from the deca and I feel damn good!

    Last weigh in I was 193lbs @ 5ft 10.

    Sex drive is great, no issues at all actually feel like I have higher libido since I last posted an update… Also my testicles feel large, haven't had this much of a handful for a while lol Doubled in size i would say...

    Diet has been uniform, ate a bit of shit weekend just past but nothing to crazy!

    Very happy with how things are going at the moment, today was my last shot of HCG. Now sarms only, started them on 1st December they should but circulating my system by now!

  19. #19
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    Eduke, going to move this to the PCT area since that is the main topic. Good project you have going and should be a benefit to others as well!
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Eduke, going to move this to the PCT area since that is the main topic. Good project you have going and should be a benefit to others as well!
    Thank you!

  21. #21
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    Update; 6 weeks.

    I feel really good, better in comparison to previous PCT’s. I haven’t lost weight apart from water, I look big and vascular, I actually look better now than I did when I was on. But in all honesty I was using high amounts of deca which made me look like a balloon. So that’s probably why lol…

    My strength is great, energy levels high. No fatigue what so ever, sleeping well and no sides from the PCT meds.

    Today is the 7th day I’ve been taking the SARMS and I finished my HCG 5 days ago.

    Brief updated but not much to report to be honest….don’t feel all to different.

  22. #22
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    Update: 7 weeks 1 Day

    Not much to report, I have lost some muscle and gained some fat as expected but am sitting at the same weight, Strength and intensity in the gym is the same... sex drive has decreased slightly but no issues with erection. Still training super hard and eating well... Sleeping well, sleeping better than ever actually... but this is probably just because I'm going through PCT!

    Macros are 480c 180p 70f

    Energy levels have dropped slightly, thank god for pre workout...

  23. #23
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    I'm no diet guy but in pct it's probably best to reduce your carbs some while still keeping your protein up. You're not as anabolic as you were when on cycle.
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I'm no diet guy but in pct it's probably best to reduce your carbs some while still keeping your protein up. You're not as anabolic as you were when on cycle.
    Thanks mate, I Have decided to drop them to 400 after this last week.

    Quick update: today I feel like shit, I feel flat as fuck in the gym. Also I Had sex this morning.... but couldn’t finish. I feel tired and grumpy as fuck.

  25. #25
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    Hi there, interesting to see. My recovery had been lengthy and while I returned to my pre-TRT blood markers I had went to hell and back just from TRT.
    Given youve been on a hell of a joy-ride it may be greater trade off if you begin to measure how you used to feel/perform and how you will now. Not judging but wishing best to recover.
    Im in fact going back on TRT soon again. Cant cope with myself the way I am now/how I was pre-TRT.

    Good luck , I will be watching your space

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I'm no diet guy but in pct it's probably best to reduce your carbs some while still keeping your protein up. You're not as anabolic as you were when on cycle.
    agree with this . you need to up your protein because your not near as efficient at utilizing protein as you were on cycle, up your fats to help natty hormone production , and lower the carbs as you are now not as able to partition them into muscle glycogen as you were on cycle (but stay in a calorie surplus)

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    agree with this . you need to up your protein because your not near as efficient at utilizing protein as you were on cycle, up your fats to help natty hormone production , and lower the carbs as you are now not as able to partition them into muscle glycogen as you were on cycle (but stay in a calorie surplus)

    You said it much better than I did! It's why I stay the hell out of the nutrition forum.....
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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    agree with this . you need to up your protein because your not near as efficient at utilizing protein as you were on cycle, up your fats to help natty hormone production , and lower the carbs as you are now not as able to partition them into muscle glycogen as you were on cycle (but stay in a calorie surplus)
    Thanks for the info mate

    I will up protein to 200, carbs are at 375 and fats ill up to 80!

  29. #29
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    Update 7 weeks 4 days

    So I feel pretty good, I think I crashed me estrogen last week as I have still been running arimidex. I have cut it out now, on my previous post I said I was having sex that at but couldn’t finish... have dropped the arimidex and now I’m good to go again. Erections are decent. It’s been 4 days since I dropped the AI.

    Training this weekend was ok, defiantly feel “flatter” but still feel like I’m homding onto my size and my strength has stayed consistent.

    As above, I have adjusted macros to 200P 375C 80F.

    Weight: 187.5lbs

  30. #30
    Very interesting read, thank you. this is valuable information

  31. #31
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    8 weeks today.

    I'm going to be honest with you guys, I feel like crap.

    My body aches, I am tired and can’t be arsed with life. Training has become really hard and I feel super demotivated.

    Food is the same as above, weight is 187lbs still.

    I just feel tired, lethargic and it sucks. But I’m maintaining size... just need to go with it...

    Hopefully I’m just having a bad day....
    Last edited by Eduke93; 12-21-2017 at 09:47 AM.

  32. #32
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    Quick update after a crap day yesterday...

    Woke up today with a solid morning glory lol had a great session lots of energy and just feel good... I think yesterday was just a low day.. but am feeling more positive today!

    Negative side effect so far is headaches from the Clomid but I can deal with it.

    Weighted in at 189lbs today. BF estimated would be around 15% abs still visible/core is tight. Will be happy to maintain this level of fat during pct.


  33. #33
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    Sup guys,

    So thought I’d upload a picture of where I currently stand.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	53345832-90E1-4412-99D9-C70E5118B9CB.jpeg 
Views:	364 
Size:	232.7 KB 
ID:	171235

    Nearly 9 weeks off, I have 4 weeks of nolva left and 1 week of clomid.

    My weight today is 187.8lbs and my scales are telling me I’m 13.5% BF I’d say I was more around 15%. when I started my PCT I was 192lbs. But leaner, obviously fat gain to be expected during PCT, drives me crazy but would rather gain some fat than loose muscle as I can drop the fat wen I’ve recovered.

    Training is good, volume dropped slightly and added an extra rest day. I feel good!

    Libido is decent...

    Macros at the moment are 400C 200P 85-90F.

    Merry Christmas!!
    Last edited by Eduke93; 12-24-2017 at 07:06 AM.

  34. #34
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Look good duke! Nice ink!
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  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Look good duke! Nice ink!
    Thanks Kelkel!!

  36. #36
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    Just wanted to do a quick update.

    I haven’t been able to train for the last 4 days as I have twinged my lower back and practically can’t walk! So am a bit in terms of training and weight I don’t have any updates.

    But with regards to sex drive, energy and general health and well-being I feel good. Sex drive is acctually really good, I had a few days where it was shit but it feels like it’s getting better as each day goes by..

    Today was last day of Clomid, now have a couple weeks left of nolva. Am resting up at much as possible so hopefully I’ll be back in the gym soon!!

  37. #37
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    Update: 10 weeks

    So 10 weeks off today and I feel good.

    Sex drive is good, general energy levels aren’t the best but getting better. Weight is still 187lbs, as per my last update I had to take some time of training due to straining my lower back. It’s still very tight but I am training again, just taking it easy.

    Had a really decent pull session yesterday, felt big and strong and the pump was great, considering….

    Today was also my last day of nolvadex which means 8 weeks today I will be getting blood work. Looking forward to seeing where I stand.

    Apart from that not much else to update, things are going better than I anticipated..
    Last edited by Eduke93; 01-04-2018 at 08:02 AM.

  38. #38
    kelkel's Avatar
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    "Better than expected" is always a good thing!
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  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    "Better than expected" is always a good thing!
    Absolutely, I’m very happy with how I’m looking and feeling... Supprisingly I feel better this time round comparing to previous cycles of 8 weeks on high Tren low test.

    Looking forward to seeing my blood work though!

  40. #40
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    Update: 11 weeks Off, 1 week post PCT.

    Training has been ok, strength has dropped slightly and I am feeling fatigued faster than usual but still powering through my sessions. As I said before I dropped the volume and am currently doing two days on 1 day off as obviously I am a lot more catabolic and want to do everything I can to maintain size. Weight is still 187lbs, I am keeping things relatively tight, abs still visible and I feel pretty full. Pumps in the gym are ok, not as good as when I was on gear but you can’t compare…

    Libido is average, I definitely feel less in the mood but can still get going when I need to. I feel tired in the mornings and head feels a bit foggy, just going with it and hoping it gets better over the next couple of months.

    It’s still early days, trying to stay positive…

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