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Thread: PCT during blast and trt

  1. #1

    PCT during blast and trt

    I posted this question on another site forum and couldn't get concrete information, so I'm trying here.

    I've been on trt test-c 100mg per week for over 4 years. About a year ago I asked doc for increase couldn't get one so I got an outside source. My prescription 10ml vial is 200mg per ml/cc while the outside source is 250mg. So over 4 months I'm running 8 weeks of 200mg per week and 8 weeks of 250mg.

    I want to do a 3 month cycle that is pretty low dose, I think. To my 200mg/250mg test-c I want to add 200mg deca for 6 weeks and then 6 weeks of nandralone. I would then go back to my regular TRT dose.

    My PCT question is this. I'm worried about testicle size suppression and want to prevent it from happening. However these are low doses, do I generally need to?

    It seems hcg and clomid pop up the most. HCG worries me because I don't want to shut down my own LH since I'm on 200mg of trt. I read clomid won't do this, but that it won't work with outside test present.

    Does anyone have experience using PCT tactics post-cycle while either bridging or doing trt? Both deca and nandralone have lower androgen ratings than test but I'll still have 400mg of total juice in my system for 3 months. I have internet'd myself into indecision.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Not sure what you mean by "200 mg deca for 6 weeks then 6 weeks of nandrolone" as they are the same thing. Deca Durabolin aka Nandrolone Decanoate.
    Nothing wrong with adding low dose deca to your TRT. I pretty much always run it as part of my TRT protocol at 125 mgs per week. Here's a study on the benefits of it that you may find interesting:

    When it comes to PCT. Since you are already on TRT then you will never have a need for PCT, ever. Your hypothalmic-pituitary function (LH/FSH) has been shut since shortly after commencing TRT. It's a feedback loop where your brain senses there's no need for it to produce anymore due to the presence of exogenous testosterone therefore it shuts down. If you did blood work and checked both LH and FSH you'd see that they will be basically bottomed out.

    What you need is HCG. You're just a little confused about the HPTA and the function of HCG. HCG mimics LH function and to a minor extent FSH as well. Most all of the top docs in the industry recommend it as part of a successful TRT protocol. There's a good sticky thread on it at the top of the HRT Forum, read it when you can. Here is another great read on HCG as well:

    If you do choose to run Deca just keep in mind that it still does aromatize but to a much lesser extent than testosterone. It will also add to RBC production. Also take some time and read the Successful First Cycle sticky thread at the top of the AAS Q & A Forum. It will be enlightening for you.

    Welcome to the forum Pulphero!
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  3. #3
    Kelkel -- thank you for the welcome!

    I should have been a little clearer. I could get deca and NPP each for 6 weeks dose amount, but not one or the other for the full 12 weeks, if that makes sense. So just the attached ester changed. I am curious to see if there's noticable difference between the two.

    I appreciate you zeroing in on hcg for me and I'll read the links you provided right now. Off hand would you say I could get away with 250iu 2x per week for a total of 500 or do I need to go more in your experience?

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Well, I'd prefer you did your first cycle (assuming it is) with test only at 500 per week as suggested in the Successful First Cycle thread. When it comes to Deca it really should be run for a longer period of time. I don't think you'll see much from it for only six weeks therefore I'd suggest NPP for that time period. Regardless though 250 mgs of either is really more medicinal / therapeutic than it is a BB'ing dosage.

    If you can why don't you hold off until you can stock up with test for a proper first cycle or at least more volume of deca or NPP.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  5. #5
    You're not wrong about the doses. Basically beyond the trt I don't have a lot of experience in this area. In the 90's I took a short dbol only cycle and at one point several years ago at the beginning of my trt I took Lantus for a month (which was shockingly productive).

    A month ago I added 50mg ED of Anavar. I seem to have held on to 6lbs. After having done the dinabol I see why people think Anavar is so mild--but I was very happy with it. The 6lbs seemed clean gains and nothing seemed 'off' about me gaining 6lbs in a month to people around me. After 20 years of lifting and at my age I'm not in a good position to blow up. But using mild androgens and getting clean gains I'd like to add a stealthy 15lbs to my frame. So I wanted to focus on adding masteron or anavar or primo to my test and sort of inching my way forward to june vacation.

    Having said all that, why deca, lol? Because I've got a bicep tear and three rotator cuff injuries total and my shoulders hurt. All I've ever heard is how good deca/nandrolone is on the joints (as your link also points out) and I just couldn't resist lol.

    So yes, therapeutic dose with the hope of a modest 5-6lbs clean gain to match the Anavar. That Var seemed to dovetail really well with the test though I'm sure if I were taking A-bombs or something else I would have gotten much bigger :-)

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Well, I'm a huge fan of low dose deca with my TRT. When it comes to deca to help with injury repair / collagen synthesis I'm an even bigger fan. In the past 6 months I've had a partial distal bicep tear, a partial hamstring tendon tear followed by tearing the other hamstring (muscle only) just above the musculo-tendinosis junction. So I understand the injury stuff.

    I'm running a low dose rehab cycle due to all the above. Test at 400, deca at 300 and var at 20 mgs per day along with low dose GH. It definitly help speed the process up.

    Re Var, love it. Clean gains with almost zero negatives.
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  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I'm running a low dose rehab cycle due to all the above. Test at 400, deca at 300 and var at 20 mgs per day along with low dose GH. It definitly help speed the process up.
    I think I'll order some var with my hcg and copy you lol

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