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Thread: "pct only with tamoxyphen citrate is not so effective."

  1. #1

    Lightbulb "pct only with tamoxyphen citrate is not so effective."

    This post is being edited and deleted due to my own will.
    Last edited by JaneDoe; 12-27-2019 at 12:24 AM. Reason: Post edited and deleted by choice

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    Here are two studies, the first is a study on Clomid and its ability to increase FSH, improving spermatogenesis and fertility.
    link below:
    Another study on Nolvadex; Prolonged (6 weeks) tamoxifen treatment increased LH response to LHRL.

    In men, FSH leads to an increase in spermatozoon production and LH leads to an increase in testosterone production.

    That's why both should be used together in the PCT for sure; Clomid will do more for FSH and Nolvadex for LH.

    I know many members of the site (steroidcom) already know this, so I want to share this information with those who don't know yet ...

    On the internet and other forums out there, many claim that only long-term Nolvadex is efficient; even if Nolva has power over inducing LH increase (not is an absolute truth)

    Nolvadex + Clomid, as we can see, they have a different way in PCT. Each accomplishes one thing; Although Nolva increases testosterone production, Clomid increases spermatozoon production. So be aware that Nolvadex + Clomid at PCT in 4 weeks will be much more efficient than just a Nolvadex at PCT in 8 weeks.

    I apologize for my bad writing"

    Not very enlightening brother. That’s pretty much common knowledge around here. You can find all the info you need for pct in the stickies.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    I'm glad to have read this, as I did not know that

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