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Thread: Low libido 6 months after PCT

  1. #1
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    Low libido 6 months after PCT

    Man, it’s been a long time since I’ve posted on here because I usually find the answers I need from other members posts. I came off cycle in September 2019 and still have not gotten any increase in libido after nearly 6 months. I can perform, but my erections aren’t as strong, desire is down, and its difficult to maintain erections still. This is a complete 180 versus before I went back on cycle. Def feeling depressed occasionally, extremely unmotivated, numb to emotions, and low energy, however I’ve maintained a lot of my strength and weight from being on. Regardless, the lost libido and low energy has me now considering going on HRT as it’s been affecting my life, and I lost a job opportunity because of my mental fog and loss of enthusiasm.

    I finished this mild cycle ending in September of 2019. It had been about a decade since my last cycle. I ran compounds that I responded to nicely in my 20s, and have run them in numerous cycles. Now at age 34, I found that I reacted completely different to these steroids than when I was younger. I struggled to maintain E2, was extremely gyno prone, and plateaued after week 5 gaining no strength Because I couldn’t manage my blood levels and failed to get blood work done. I tried to manage it with AI and discovered the horrors that is Arimidex (thanks to GearHeaded for all the great posts on this subject, I now suspect I am test sensitive). The arimidex caused ED, and for reasons I still don’t understand, made me extremely prone to injury and muscle tears. Shortly after suppressing my E2 using the dex, I suffered a minor pec tear, and then pulled a ham string a few days later, all while feeling like total dog Shit. I also noticed i was cramping a lot too, does anyone know why the AI made me injury prone?
    Anyway, I finished my cycle and pct which I’ll outline bellow. I have not pulled post cycle bloodwork and have made an apt to do so. I know, I should have pulled blood work routinely, but I never had any issues when I was younger using AAS.
    My main reason for this post is - will my libido return? Is there any post pct extended use of a SERM or AI to help mitigate the problem? I’ve never had a hard time bouncing back from a cycle before, and it’s always been a positive experience for me, not this time. I just want my sex drive back!

    600mg Test Cyp week 1-8
    500mg EQ week 1-10
    Dbol week 1-4
    75mg Anavar week 6-12
    100mg Test Prop eod week 9-12

    Hcg first week of pct
    Nolvadex 40/40/20/20/10/10

  2. #2
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    Low libido 6 months after PCT

    AI might have dried you out, mixed with not drinking enough water could make you injury prone..regardless, drink a liter of water before you hit the gym.
    As far as your problem, get blood work!!!!
    Find out what's really going on..If you wanna feel normal it's 1 cc of test away but that's completely your choice at your age trt will come fairly soon anyways if you wanna keep cycling..

    “Men do never if seldom, rise from small beginnings to great heights...Except through fraud or force"
    Niccolò Machiavelli

  3. #3
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    Thank you for the valuable insight. When I strained my hamstring I was in fact dehydrated, it’s just crazy how much the dex dried me out. Quick update on my bedroom woes, while I do wish to get on TRT, Imay still want to have kids soon. As so, I looked into other methods to help increase my T and sex drive. I have been supplementing w D-Aspartic Acid (DAA) and it has SIGNIFICANTLY improved everything from my mood, soreness, libido, and feelings of desire. Experimenting w “cycling” it to see what works best for me, but I can attest to it working. Best I’ve felt since I came off cycle. Does anyone else have experience w DAA?

  4. #4
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    Consider Blood Work. Only way to know what's going on inside. You may not have recovered as well as normal.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  5. #5
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    Hey man. Been in the same (or worse) situation for the past two years. I did my testo for to long and after stopping, never recovered. I can totally relate.

    I sadly can't offer any helpful input, but I would like to ask you a question or two, if ok.

    How much Arimidex did u take and how long?

    I also did a lot of research, how to improve my situation and came across DAA. I bought it, planed on taking it, but then bumped into one post here (can't find it now) where the guy wrote that the DAA gave him facial scars. Scared the s**t out of me. So I did not take it. Still unopened in the closet.

    What is your experience with it? Have you had any side effects? How long have you been taking it and how much?

    I hope you get where you want to be very soon. I was just about to try out some HCG therapy or maybe Power PCT. But after seeing your post about DAA, I might give that ago. Just scared as hell, if that scar thing could be real

    Last edited by Bjorg89; 03-04-2020 at 06:20 AM. Reason: typo

  6. #6
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    do another 4-6 week pct .

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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjorg89 View Post
    Hey man. Been in the same (or worse) situation for the past two years. I did my testo for to long and after stopping, never recovered. I can totally relate.

    I sadly can't offer any helpful input, but I would like to ask you a question or two, if ok.

    How much Arimidex did u take and how long?

    I also did a lot of research, how to improve my situation and came across DAA. I bought it, planed on taking it, but then bumped into one post here (can't find it now) where the guy wrote that the DAA gave him facial scars. Scared the s**t out of me. So I did not take it. Still unopened in the closet.

    What is your experience with it? Have you had any side effects? How long have you been taking it and how much?

    I hope you get where you want to be very soon. I was just about to try out some HCG therapy or maybe Power PCT. But after seeing your post about DAA, I might give that ago. Just scared as hell, if that scar thing could be real

    Hey man, sorry for the delay. So I know how strong adex is and was cautious about taking it. I only kept it on hand because I’m gyno prone (had a small mass removed from my right nipple in college after a heavy cycle). About week 5-6 of my cycle my left nipple had a sore lump so I began taking .25 every 3 days of arimidex. It was only about one week before I crashed my e and felt like complete shit. I would discontinue it, then my gyno would flare up again and I had to try to attempt to titrate my dose to keep things in check but my gains completely stopped. In total I’d say I was taking very low doses for about 6-8 weeks at random. Post cycle, it completely reversed my gyno onset so that was great, but I need to revisit the drawing board as the AAS I was using never gave me such dramatic sides when I was 12 years younger.

    As for the DAA, I’m glad you asked because I’ve been taking it on and off for about two months now. I’ve experimented w various doses and have settled on approx 3000mg daily for 4-6 weeks at a time with one week off to start. I take it in a shot of OJ after a meal, typically early in the day. Now let me disclose that my sex drive and libido went through the roof for the first 10 days, It was like being on Test for the first time again. I wish it lingered longer but my libido now has settled down BUT is still better than before I began supplementing w DAA. The first week of use really had me thinking that this was a game changer but the effects are not as noticeable now. HOWEVER, my overall mood and desire has been much improved. The random fits of depression haven’t been an issue since I started taking it. I’ve never heard of scaring or any negative side effects except for upset stomach/diarrhea and some people report getting gyno. I’m thinking of taking a full month off starting in two days to really see if it alters my mood and I can reset my sensitivity to it. Yes, I desperately need to get bloodwork done but now I have to delay that until the Corona virus mayhem settles down. I would def recommend trying DAA as it is the only thing that for sure made a noticeable impact on my sex drive and well being. I’ve tried all the typical over the counter remedies and this is the only one that works and is the cheapest option at $30 or so for 500g bag off amazon. I’m using the brand. I really hope it helps you and suggest you try it for a week. Low T is just the worst and I feel for anyone suffering from it. People seem to respond differently and some advise cycling at 7-12 days on 1 week off, others 60days on 30 days off.

    I’d be curious to try another round of PCT but for the life of me, I can’t find any good posts about it here and people’s opinions and suggestions are all over the place. I’m hesitant to screw w SERMS after my hormones have settled and normalized. I have nolva and more Adex on hand...
    Last edited by ShredBundy; 03-31-2020 at 12:25 AM. Reason: Spellcheck

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShredBundy View Post
    Hey man, sorry for the delay. So I know how strong adex is and was cautious about taking it. I only kept it on hand because I’m gyno prone (had a small mass removed from my right nipple in college after a heavy cycle). About week 5-6 of my cycle my left nipple had a sore lump so I began taking .25 every 3 days of arimidex. It was only about one week before I crashed my e and felt like complete shit. I would discontinue it, then my gyno would flare up again and I had to try to attempt to titrate my dose to keep things in check but my gains completely stopped. In total I’d say I was taking very low doses for about 6-8 weeks at random. Post cycle, it completely reversed my gyno onset so that was great, but I need to revisit the drawing board as the AAS I was using never gave me such dramatic sides when I was 12 years younger.

    As for the DAA, I’m glad you asked because I’ve been taking it on and off for about two months now. I’ve experimented w various doses and have settled on approx 3000mg daily for 4-6 weeks at a time with one week off to start. I take it in a shot of OJ after a meal, typically early in the day. Now let me disclose that my sex drive and libido went through the roof for the first 10 days, It was like being on Test for the first time again. I wish it lingered longer but my libido now has settled down BUT is still better than before I began supplementing w DAA. The first week of use really had me thinking that this was a game changer but the effects are not as noticeable now. HOWEVER, my overall mood and desire has been much improved. The random fits of depression haven’t been an issue since I started taking it. I’ve never heard of scaring or any negative side effects except for upset stomach/diarrhea and some people report getting gyno. I’m thinking of taking a full month off starting in two days to really see if it alters my mood and I can reset my sensitivity to it. Yes, I desperately need to get bloodwork done but now I have to delay that until the Corona virus mayhem settles down. I would def recommend trying DAA as it is the only thing that for sure made a noticeable impact on my sex drive and well being. I’ve tried all the typical over the counter remedies and this is the only one that works and is the cheapest option at $30 or so for 500g bag off amazon. I’m using the brand. I really hope it helps you and suggest you try it for a week. Low T is just the worst and I feel for anyone suffering from it. People seem to respond differently and some advise cycling at 7-12 days on 1 week off, others 60days on 30 days off.

    I’d be curious to try another round of PCT but for the life of me, I can’t find any good posts about it here and people’s opinions and suggestions are all over the place. I’m hesitant to screw w SERMS after my hormones have settled and normalized. I have nolva and more Adex on hand...
    Hey man. Thanks for such a comprehensive answer. Appreciate it. I actually did two weeks of DAA recently, but sadly didn't see any improvment whatsoever. At least I didn't get any scars tho

    I just got precriped PCT protocol (HCG, Nolva, Clomid) from a doc and he suggested also taking DAA along with some Maca and Zinc. So let's see how that goes.


  9. #9
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    Please let me know how the PCT protocol works for you! I also was researching Maca

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Consider Blood Work. Only way to know what's going on inside. You may not have recovered as well as normal.
    I agree, the only way to know for sure is blood work otherwise your just guessing and throwing things at the situation blindly.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjorg89 View Post
    Hey man. Thanks for such a comprehensive answer. Appreciate it. I actually did two weeks of DAA recently, but sadly didn't see any improvment whatsoever. At least I didn't get any scars tho

    I just got precriped PCT protocol (HCG, Nolva, Clomid) from a doc and he suggested also taking DAA along with some Maca and Zinc. So let's see how that goes.

    Curious how your PCT treatment went? Also I wanted to check back in after a few months of taking natural supplements as outlined above. I’ve since added vitamin D, zinc/mag, and 5-DHT to help with mood and natural test production. I’ve still been experiencing dramatic ups and downs emotionally. My motivation and sexy drive is all over the place and seems to peak and crash every couple of weeks. I stopped taking the DAA regularly and have been off of it for a while now. I felt it helped, but never got the the same boost in libido as I did in the first week of use so I wanted to come off it completely. Last week my depression got so bad that I finally made a call to a TRT clinic and am getting blood work done in a few days. I’m on the fence about paying more out of pocket For prescribed TRT long term versus getting my Test/HCG through my source. I guess the real concern is how I would travel w small quantities of gear for work and vacation while staying on my regimen. I won’t know the cost of the treatment for a few days but am curious if anyone does HRT on their own and monitors blood work independently of a doctor?

  12. #12
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    So my pre-treatment bw came back, my stats are 195lb, 35 y.o, numerous cycles since early 20's, experiencing extreme mood swings from happy leading to depression, low t/libido symptoms since last cycle above. Doc prescribed me HCG monotherapy per my request as while I understand its not a reliable treatment, I figured id try to avoid being TRT reliant for a few more years before committing for life. My BW doesn't look all that bad, but all of my troubling symptoms arouse after my last cycle so im concerned my TT for my biology is too low. Blood work :

    TT: 431 ng/dl (ref 280<1000) *Below average for my age
    E2: 22.3 pg/mL (ref 1.0< 39.9)
    IGF-1: 189ng/mL (124<181) above average

    HRT Doctor prescribed me 2000iu of HCG per week (split into 4 500iu shots/week), and 1mg of arimdex/week split into x4 0.25mg doses.. While after the first week Ive noticed my overall mood and energy levels have increased I have been only taking 0.25mg of Arimidex every 4 days for a total of 0.5mg/week, and was wondering if I can drop it all together? Since my estradiol was already somewhat low I am wondering if ill benefit from higher E2 levels. Having a lot of trouble finding AI protocols on this forum and the internet for HCG MONOTHERAPY. Many of the studies I've found enlisting this same protocol did not mention the use of any AIs. I am test sensitive and gyro prone, but Im not convinced its needed on a modest HCG dose, and the doctor just wants to prescribe anastrozole for $$$ reasons. Since increased energy and sex drive is my goal, should I drop it all together? Thanks for your input
    Last edited by ShredBundy; 08-23-2020 at 11:43 AM. Reason: typo

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by cylon357 View Post
    You could drop the AI but keep it on hand since you are sensitive. I would probably just reduce the dose significantly and monitor until next blood work just to be on the safe side. Since HCG acts like LH to raise Test production, you really don't know how much aromatization you will encounter when the T starts going up.

    I would try adding 10mg boron (yes, I know that is my new phrase but it worked for me) to reduce SHBG levels.

    BTW, Adex is dirt cheap through sites like healthwarehouse. I think the last time I ordered it it was like $12 for 30 1mg tabs. Which is enough to last me roughly 5 years or longer. If you can get the doc to send the script there, you will save $$

    And you are right, your numbers really don't look all that bad for someone not on something. A lot of this could be mental. Like, sometimes we feel good, then get our blood work back and that influences our thinking.
    Interesting, thank you I’ll pick up some Boron and add it to my micronutrient and vit/supplement routine. Yeah there just isn’t a ton of info on here about HCG mono, and those who have taken it dont mention an AI. But others on different forums and reddit mention having difficulty managing E2 on HCG mono, but I’m not a fan of Adex after it shut me down real bad on my last cycle and sort of kick started some of the symptoms I’m feeling now. Also, nobody posts bloodwork AFTER they’ve discontinued HCG mono so I will do so when my 90 days concludes in the fall.

    And you’re right, the mind is a strong drug and I’ve been through a lot of ups and downs the last two years (divorce, life changes, getting older, and now covid). But I am aware of that I don’t have anything negative going on any longer and can’t seem to shake the funk or feel passionate about anything anymore, which all started after my last cycle concluded. I also don’t have ANY prior blood work for my Test levels so Idk where I once was in my 20s or even two years ago. Thank you for weighting in
    Last edited by ShredBundy; 08-23-2020 at 04:04 PM.

  14. #14
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    Whats ur reason for doing this and not just getting on TRT? Dont suffer if u dont have to bro just get a TRT doc and start TRT.

  15. #15
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    Basically im trying to put off TRT for a few years if I can. My levels came back a little higher than I expected and I guess im hesitant to commit to a lifelong TRT protocol. But even if the HCG were successful I probably wouldn't get my levels any higher than maybe the 600s ng/dL and who's to say that will have me feeling like I want to? I fear you are correct, my next question is do I go for RX TRT for $299/month (includes BW, Test, HCG, and Syringes)? UGL are waaaaay cheaper but if I got a script for Test then I could travel for work with gear without the fear of getting in trouble when flying, and potentially run some other compounds like Primo/Deca at low doses for a more therapeutic and effective HRT. In all likelihood ill probably start blasting again once on TRT so im curious to hear peoples thoughts on getting prescription test versus administering it themselves through black market gear?

  16. #16
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    Cylon thanks again for weighing in. My Boron supp just arrived today so thank you for recommending that! So, you are able to achieve healthy T levels on 75mg/week of clomid? How do you feel on that regimen (focus, libido, energy etc)? Is that ongoing for life or something you will eventually get off of? Now I want to switch to clomid lol. I’ve read elsewhere on here that clomid is a better option over hcg. And you are correct, this is through a clinic as I have Keiser and they won’t prescribe me Test being that I am technically “in range”.
    Last edited by ShredBundy; 08-26-2020 at 12:40 AM.

  17. #17
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    Thanks for linking your thread, I should have checked into your started threads before asking. I ordered some clomid and will likely discontinue the HCG after 1-2 months as 90 days seems overkill and I’m worried it may desensitize me. I hear you on work performance. When my low T symptoms kicked in I lost a majority of my motivation and mental clarity costing me a lucrative job offer (which ended up being a good thing, the job would have been stressful and unfulfilling). I need to find a different doctor to monitor my BW and continue this treatment. The clinic I’m using seems to only offer a few generic protocol Options for patients seeking treatment and they don’t even list clomid as an option. I will post my follow up BW after discontinuing the HCG. I’d like to share those results with others on the forum looking to try this as a restart option, as there isn’t any info on where levels settle after discontinuing therapy. Told my doc I want to pull BW after 2-3 weeks of no HCG. Well see how it goes, as of now I don’t feel any alteration in libido, but have been in a better mood and having less difficulty focusing. I think the .5mg of arimidex is keeping E too low and I’ll report back if I see any improvements in sex drive in a week or two of no dex. My E2 was low and aside from a little acne I don’t feel any symptoms of excessive aromatization

  18. #18
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    Quick update, I am still running 2000iu of HCG for another 3 weeks before discontinuing the treatment. I added Arimidex back in at .25mg x2 week as my libido had shown signs of degrading without it. After five days with the ai back in and I've noticed a improvement in libido and my training at the gym is going great and im also getting some vascularity back in my arms again. Once off the HCG I have clomid on hand and will probably begin using it within one week of my last HCG shot. While I was hopeful the HCG mono would work as a restart I am reluctant to come off cold turkey as im busy at work and moving to a new home. As so, I think I will switch to SERM therapy to avoid the pitfalls of my wavering natural production. I feel better, more like myself, and my depression has vanished and im prepared to run clomid ongoing until taking the plunge down the TRT path in a few years. Its funny now that im feeling better I keep thinking "maybe I don't need to take anything" but then I remember how truly horrible I felt just 3 weeks ago. These hormones have a significant impact on my thought process and completely alter how I live my day to day. Gone are the years of running robust cycles and bouncing back quickly, this whole ordeal really opened my eyes to the horrors of Low T. Thanks to all who have weighted in with advice so far.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by cylon357 View Post
    You make some good observations in that last post, especially the one about feeling good and thinking 'eh, do I really need this?'. That thought has wandered through my mind a time or two, then I remember how I felt at my lowest and I put the thoughts of coming off out of my mind. The mental clarity I get is worth it alone.
    Thanks man, and something you mentioned about remaining sharp at work amidst younger colleagues really stuck w me. Being able to focus in a competitive work environment is vital esp when you work in a desirable industry as I do. I just hope others will encounter our posts here and benefit as I have for more than a decade now being a member.

    Moved into a new home last week. It was exhausting as I did the move myself and have a lot of stuff and furniture. I found my self unintentionally fasting and only eating 1-2x a day. Strength at the gym is down as I haven’t been eating my typical 5 meals a day but honestly my waist line looks better and overall I feel good but am pretty sore from training. I have motivation to get up and make the most of my day again and feel productive getting settled at the new place. But I’m listening to my body, if I’m tired and sore like today, I won’t train. If I feel weak at the gym, don’t train heavy. I’ve been putting pressure on myself all week to accomplish some things and am feeling it this weekend so going to try to relax. I notice I am more aggressive and irritable which sadly is normal for me lol, just riding out the highs and lows in life and trying to stay positive.

    One more HCG shot remaining, after that it is onto SERM therapy. I’m hoping to maintain how I feel And my current T level at 15mg clomid eod (current T remains untested at this point as I quit my HRT clinic protocol and still haven’t found a new doctor for bw). I have liquid clomiphene from MA Research and want to stretch it as far as I can. I’ll be sure to report back in a week or two.
    Last edited by ShredBundy; 09-26-2020 at 11:55 AM.

  20. #20
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    Checking in again. I have been on Clomid Monotherapy for 2 months now. I started at 15mg EOD and felt like complete garbage within two weeks. I was an emotional wreck, so I increased the dosage to 30mg and eventually settled on 40mg EOD. To summarize my experience with it in short, I feel decent. I am still struggling with motivation and depression, but who isn't these days during the constant restrictions from Covid. I am, however, having GREAT workouts and am very strong once I get enough motivation to actually go to the gym. So that has been great, but my libido and sex drive are barely intact. The feelings of desire aren't there, and my erections were much better on HCG mono. Ejaculate volume is down as well. After carefully deliberating for some time now, I've decided to take advantage of the Black Friday deals going on at A Shop and get myself a years worth of Test Cyp and HCG. Ive been doing research, talking to other men suffering from the same symptoms, and have decided to commit to lifelong TRT. The ups and downs of SERM therapy just aren't for me, although I do in fact feel better than I did, it is still nowhere close to how I felt two years ago when my levels were normal. I found this channel recommended from another forum member and wanted to share a link for those that are interested in trying the things I have (HCG and Clomid mono). These treatments MAY work for some people, but I am most likely primary and need exogenous test.

    As a reminder, I have been using steroids on and off for the past 18 years. Im 35 now and decided to cycle again over a year ago and never fully recovered and began to feel significant symptoms of low t. Thanks to Cylon who has offered some solid advice and things to supplement. I found his suggestions very helpful. Ill be sure to update this thread with my progress once I begin my self administered TRT.

  21. #21
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    You aren't old, but you aren't exactly young anymore, either. Soft elections and low libido can happen and it can have absolutely nothing to do with your cycle a year ago. Or maybe it does. Hard to tell.

    You said you are depressed. Just because of the low libido, or anything else going on? Depression can hammer your libido!!! There are also a tidal wave of depression medicines that will cause a lack of sex drive and ED. If you are anything, discuss it with your doctor and they can make adjustments.

    What, exactly, what your cycle a year ago? Something like a test/hcg cycle should be easy to recover from (imo always run test & hcg). If you were running tren and deca, probably a lot harder to recover from

    What, exactly, what your PCT? Maybe you never fully recovered. Though, one would think that a year later your body would have self corrected by now.

    Stress, depression, other medications, age, etc. A lot of things that can cause these issues other than your cycle a year ago.

    So all that *in addition to* blood work to determine if maybe you have good ole fashion low T (or something else) going on.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MILKMAN73 View Post
    You aren't old, but you aren't exactly young anymore, either. Soft elections and low libido can happen and it can have absolutely nothing to do with your cycle a year ago. Or maybe it does. Hard to tell.

    You said you are depressed. Just because of the low libido, or anything else going on? Depression can hammer your libido!!! There are also a tidal wave of depression medicines that will cause a lack of sex drive and ED. If you are anything, discuss it with your doctor and they can make adjustments.

    What, exactly, what your cycle a year ago? Something like a test/hcg cycle should be easy to recover from (imo always run test & hcg). If you were running tren and deca, probably a lot harder to recover from

    What, exactly, what your PCT? Maybe you never fully recovered. Though, one would think that a year later your body would have self corrected by now.

    Stress, depression, other medications, age, etc. A lot of things that can cause these issues other than your cycle a year ago.

    So all that *in addition to* blood work to determine if maybe you have good ole fashion low T (or something else) going on.
    Hey Milk,

    Appreciate you asking about outside factors, they can be easy to overlook. I am not on any prescription drugs for depression. I also have a great life and truly don’t have much to be sad about which I am fully aware of, yet everyday seems like a chore. Some days are better than others but I NEVER had erectile issues before my last cycle in 2019. The only things I take besides multi-vitamins and supps are Prilosec for acid reflux, and albuterol inhaler for seasonal allergies. My depression, and mood swings settled in shortly after my last cycle which I outlined in my OP (test, EQ, var) which are fairly tolerable compounds imo. I began having some ED issues midway through the cycle and struggled with E2 and arimidex which I had never used before. My PCT was pretty solid (nolva, HCG) but I gave myself an entire year off to recover and my sex drive/mood/strength etc all seemed to worsen. My BW showed I was in the low range for my age 430ng/dl and I began the HCG mono, and then switched to clomid. I hadn’t taken AAs in about a decade before my 2019 cycle. I’m guessing I just don’t recover like I did in my 20s now. I fear despite my well thought out cycle, I caused some reduced levels for myself by cycling again. I’ve tried to avoid trt as I feel 35 is younger than I thought I’d ever need it, but like you said, it’s not as uncommon as I thought for men my age or younger to be on hrt. So after giving a fair chance I’m pretty set on taking the plunge w weekly injections and getting my life back on track. I miss feeling confident, horny, and being motivated.

  23. #23
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    It can be a slippery slope sometimes. Some ED from your last cycle. Then performance anxiety and depression from the ED. I'm ssuming some performance anxiety. It'd be normal.

    Then it's possible that your body recovered but your libido is suffering from the anxiety/depression. The mind is an amazingly strong tool, or weapon. Depending how we use it.

    I'd recommend you get your blood work and relax. Worrying about maybe being in TRT at your age could also have an effect. Just the worry itself.

    I know it's easier said than done than to say "don't stress out." Hopefully the just knowing and understanding this could be part of the problem helps.

    Could be.* Again, with blood work and doc's advice.

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