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Thread: PCT issue

  1. #1

    PCT issue

    Hi all,

    I started my last cycle, which was approximately 10 weeks back in January and then went straight into cruising at 100mg of test PW. Due to the pandemic, I've decided to come off. My last pin was around 8 weeks ago and due to some delays I haven't started my PCT.

    However, my balls are pretty full, energy levels are fine and my sex drive is still nice and high.

    So i'm wondering, should I even run a PCT?


  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by cylon357 View Post
    If it was 8 weeks ago, I would say you are well out of the woods and don't need to PCT. Still, it might be a good idea to pull blood work just to be on the safe side, and maybe keep nolvadex and clomid in the your cart at your favorite RC site just in case.
    It just baffles me that i could be shut down for 8 months and still bounce back like this?

    A part of me thinks perhaps some of the exogenous test is still in my system - it just doesn't make sense?

    The PCT meds arrived today - what about running a PCT for two weeks?
    Last edited by Lee_1978; 10-18-2020 at 04:45 AM.

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