I am a 29 year old male, who over the past year and a half has run various AAS at various dosages at various intervals.
The drugs used have been as follows:
Test C or E. Never more than 600mg a week.
Nandrolone Decanoate. Never more than 300mg a week.
Tren. 200mg a week max. Either A or E.
And Masterone E. Never more than 400mg a week.
Test never dropped below 200mg week.
I kept my E2 as high as I possibly could.
I only mention the compounds used to highlight the strong suppression on the HPGA.
Tren and Deca were used only intermittently for short periods of time. Though the Deca was used long enough to cause significant suppression.
Because of the drugs used I consider hypogonadotropic hypogonadism to be a very real possibility.
I would consider primary hypogonadism to be unlikely. ( Is E2 considered to be protective of leydig cell morphology/integrity? In the rat study could the elevation of oxidative stress on the testis subsequent to the application of nandrolone have been attenuated with the protective effects of E2, could the apoptosis have been mitigated with E2,? Are there any studies on the protective effects on the testis provided by oestrogens?)
After much research I consider Dr Dean St. Mart's approach of waiting for the compounds to clear prior to the introduction of hCG to be the appropriate option to pursue. I am open to the possibility of HPGA recovery absent of pharmaceutical intervention. Though, I would stress, I consider natural recovery to be unlikely.
My main question regarding the PCT protocol would be the timing of the blood test to assess, Total T, LH, FSH and E2?
Last injections.
21st Feb. Nandrolone Decanoate. 300mg/ml. 1ml. Deltoid. Grapeseed oil.
23rd Feb. Testosterone Cypionate. 300mg/ml. 1ml. Deltoid. Grapeseed oil.
Maybe I am over thinking this a little.
My concern is that the test is going to clear before the Nandrolone.
So timing bloodwork here is tricky, do I get two sets of bloods done? One on the 30th of March and another on say sometime in April? Say between the 11th-18th. Or do I just get the latter bloods done? Am I leaving bloods to late? What sort of dates for blood work would you estimate to be optimal?
Taking bloods early I feel, would be to jump the gun a little bit. I have obvious concerns about waiting it out, low T, low E2, low DHT and perhaps high SHBG and the nandrolone may still be in my system if the earlier bloods are done.
Later bloods would also allow me to get a good assessment on HPGA function.
I am otherwise a very healthy male. So significant acute hormonal fluctuations are not a concern here. Though my mental health is something I sometimes struggle with (which is my primary motivation to come off).
At this point, the less drugs needed the better, so waiting for HPGA recovery seems sensible.
Is this an issue? Would it be wise to inject a small dose of Test C today and then wait the five weeks, then get bloods? (I also have Test Prop. If that is better for estimating clearance times?)
I would rather not have to use any form of AAS, again.
If it is better for the last drug to clear my system to be Test, rather than Nandrolone, then I am open to doing so.
Thank-you for reading this.