I have been on and off on Test + Something for the past 3 years. Never before. Last cycle was 12 weeks (finished on 27 March 2022).
I would like to clean up, because my new partner would like to have a baby. I became quite concerned and I am a little down wishing I recover just fine, because I really would like to get the kid. But honestly its on my mind every day which drains me out.
Do you think I have a chance to recover and have sperm back in 2-6 months as 42 years old? I know there are baby maker protocols, but I would like to avoid it (last resort), get clean and never use again.
I ran HCG 2500UI twice a week for 3 weeks after last injection.
Now I am on Clomid 60mg a day, planing to cut it to 20 after 2 weeks.
I keep Clen on and keep training and dieting.
Is this a good approach or do I need to run PCT longer as 42 years old?
I have an appointment with my doctor this week. He knows that I was on, but I am not sure if he can help me with anything at this stage. I might wait for sperm test for one more months. I think we need to just wait. Or am I wrong?
I tried to come off last year (July - Nov 2021) and after 3 months I had the following readings. But I did not do the PCT right. Maybe these readings are okay for just 3 months off without proper PCT.
Free Testosterone: 150 pmol/L (255 - 720)
Total Testosterone: 5.5 nmol/L (8.3-29)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: 14 nmol/L (11-71)
I felt okay with these. I feel always tired as I train hard, so I am not sure what is good or bad. There felt no difference when I was on or off. Maybe recovery from gym is a little slower, but that is expected.
As you might feel, I am a little down. I never planed for this, but I hope I will recover. Any thoughts?
BTW I will keep you updated on how I go with tests, etc.