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Thread: PCT and Recovery 42 years old

  1. #1

    PCT and Recovery 42 years old


    I have been on and off on Test + Something for the past 3 years. Never before. Last cycle was 12 weeks (finished on 27 March 2022).

    I would like to clean up, because my new partner would like to have a baby. I became quite concerned and I am a little down wishing I recover just fine, because I really would like to get the kid. But honestly its on my mind every day which drains me out.

    Do you think I have a chance to recover and have sperm back in 2-6 months as 42 years old? I know there are baby maker protocols, but I would like to avoid it (last resort), get clean and never use again.

    I ran HCG 2500UI twice a week for 3 weeks after last injection.
    Now I am on Clomid 60mg a day, planing to cut it to 20 after 2 weeks.
    I keep Clen on and keep training and dieting.

    Is this a good approach or do I need to run PCT longer as 42 years old?

    I have an appointment with my doctor this week. He knows that I was on, but I am not sure if he can help me with anything at this stage. I might wait for sperm test for one more months. I think we need to just wait. Or am I wrong?

    I tried to come off last year (July - Nov 2021) and after 3 months I had the following readings. But I did not do the PCT right. Maybe these readings are okay for just 3 months off without proper PCT.
    Free Testosterone: 150 pmol/L (255 - 720)
    Total Testosterone: 5.5 nmol/L (8.3-29)
    Sex Hormone Binding Globulin: 14 nmol/L (11-71)
    I felt okay with these. I feel always tired as I train hard, so I am not sure what is good or bad. There felt no difference when I was on or off. Maybe recovery from gym is a little slower, but that is expected.

    As you might feel, I am a little down. I never planed for this, but I hope I will recover. Any thoughts?

    BTW I will keep you updated on how I go with tests, etc.

    Last edited by meandme; 04-18-2022 at 07:16 AM.

  2. #2
    Gee man, I hope everything goes well. Thats wonderful to have the right woman and make a family. As far as what you are asking, more experienced members will have to answer I dont know this stuff that well. But my 2 cents... If you have cycled test , and only 3 years , I doubt you are completely infertile, I seriously doubt it. I think all will be well. But yeah , other smarter guys will reply hopefully, I wish you good luck though!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    let me step in here..

    Had my last child when i was 47... had to have a reversal done and was successful, however I had been on test/tren etc since age 42...

    Issue was "getting clean" means lots of different things..

    Post surgery i was shooting 100,000 sperm.. after taking 50mg clomid for 30 days i was shooting 12 million, the amount a 24 yr old would produce i was told.. and yes we had been trying for 1.5 years and had given up.. wife was 39 at the time. but that did the trick for sure..

    Having kids later in life will keep you young, and active, just never slow down.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    AKA "Nice Guy Cy"
    Trt is no guarantee of infertility. You should get your sperm count and motility checked, too, as the hcg and clomid may be all you need.

    You might also look at hmg, though it is expensive.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    let me step in here..

    Had my last child when i was 47... had to have a reversal done and was successful, however I had been on test/tren etc since age 42...

    Issue was "getting clean" means lots of different things..

    Post surgery i was shooting 100,000 sperm.. after taking 50mg clomid for 30 days i was shooting 12 million, the amount a 24 yr old would produce i was told.. and yes we had been trying for 1.5 years and had given up.. wife was 39 at the time. but that did the trick for sure..

    Having kids later in life will keep you young, and active, just never slow down.
    That sounds promising. Otherwise I am really healthy. I don't drink or smoke. I hope things will work.

    Can you elaborate on "Issue was "getting clean" means lots of different things." I didn't have issue to stop last time. I just keep doing the same things. I did not feel any difference. Right now I am more stressed, because its important for me. That is draining me out everyday.
    Last edited by meandme; 04-18-2022 at 08:54 PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Trt is no guarantee of infertility. You should get your sperm count and motility checked, too, as the hcg and clomid may be all you need.

    You might also look at hmg, though it is expensive.
    I am definitely planing sperm check. Probably next month (1 month after last Test Injection).

    HMG is on my baby maker protocol (HMG, HCG, Clomid). But I just cannot find HMG here in AUS. Right now its just HCG and Clomid for me.

  7. #7
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    In the Gym, if i could
    getting clean meaning no measurable steroid effects in blood work..

    but just do the clomid 50-100 mg per month.. and i did the pre sperm check, and the post 30 days after doing this protocol
    sperm and motility in the young man range.
    The answer to your every question


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    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    getting clean meaning no measurable steroid effects in blood work..

    but just do the clomid 50-100 mg per month.. and i did the pre sperm check, and the post 30 days after doing this protocol
    sperm and motility in the young man range.
    May I ask how long it took to get your testosterone to a reasonable (minimum for our age) level after you stopped? 3,6,12 months?

  9. #9
    My blood test after 25 days after last injection (most likely HCG was not working; so it was just clomid):

    Total Testosterone (Siemens) 12 nmol/L (8.3-29)
    Sex Hormone Binding Gobulin 20 nmol/L (11-71)
    Calculated Free Testosterone 303.9 pmol/L (255-725)
    FSH 1 UI/L (<7)
    LH 0.1 UI/L (<7)
    E2 (ATEL) 84 pmol/L

    Blood test results from 09/5/2022 (47 days after last injection; with different HCG)

    Total Testosterone (Siemens) 10 nmol/L (8.3-29) decrease from 3 weeks ago (12)
    Sex Hormone Binding Gobulin 18 nmol/L (11-71) decrease from 3 weeks ago (20)
    Calculated Free Testosterone 267.3 pmol/L (255-725) decrease from 3 weeks ago (303.9)
    FSH 3 UI/L (<7) increase from 1
    LH 1.4 UI/L (<7) increase from 0.1
    E2 (ATEL) <70 pmol/L decrease

    Blood test results from 30/5/2022 (63 days after last injection, 1 month using HCG)

    Total Testosterone (Siemens) 11 nmol/L (8.3-29) increase from 3 weeks ago (10)
    Sex Hormone Binding Gobulin 16 nmol/L (11-71) decrease from 3 weeks ago (18)
    Calculated Free Testosterone 324.9 pmol/L (255-725) increase from 3 weeks ago (267.3)
    FSH 6 UI/L (<7) increase from 3 (might be because I took few shots of HMG)
    LH 4.1 UI/L (<7) increase from 1.4 (HCG injection 1 day before blood test; 1 month on HCG now)
    E2 (ATEL) 73 pmol/L increase from less than 70
    Prolactin 264 mIU/L (40-450) first measurement

    My LH and FSH increased quite a lot from my last blood test, which might give a sign that my HPTA is recovering and functional.

    My libido is not great and while I feel okay physically, I am mentally exhausted by thinking if I will be able to have normal sex like before. I have morning wood, but during the day my penis never goes up. I have to work it to get erection.

    Do you think that I can still increase my testosterone with more time? I would like to get to at least Total T 14 nmol/L to be in the 400 ng/dL range?

    Would you drop the HCG and Clomid at this point?

  10. #10
    By reading the post again, if your always feeling tired because you train so hard, that might supress natural test production too maybe, excessive strain and workload. Maybe try going hard but find routine that doesnt kill you so hard. ANd also if you dont already, then take natural supplemens that boost testoserone production, like zinc , etc. Not to talk about 7-8 hours good sleep every night and balanced diet.

    can try something like that also and there are things like tribulus etc.

    this is all pretty basic so if your taking this serious you probably already know all this but yeah, all i can think of

    good luck
    Last edited by s1nc1ty; 06-12-2022 at 09:48 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    IMO it could be done, just keep at it

    Stay off the roids, pump a ton of Clomid - HCG too, I suppose

    And stray on getting your shit checked - don’t stress it either, just do what you can - let nature back in. And, if that don’t work - IVF that shit

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    IMO it could be done, just keep at it

    Stay off the roids, pump a ton of Clomid - HCG too, I suppose

    And stray on getting your shit checked - don’t stress it either, just do what you can - let nature back in. And, if that don’t work - IVF that shit
    Thank you for the kind words. I have to say the community is helping me a lot mentally. Thank you.

    I wish I have a long term partner. It would be easier. But I met a new woman recently and we did not have sex yet because she went to Europe shortly after I met her. She is coming back soon and very keen to start relationship and have kids. But I might have not much to offer if I am in this condition. I can bring it up, but its very hard. Nobody will stay with me if I am in this condition and this is probably my last chance to have a family.

    Continuing HCG + Clomid. I hope my next blood test shows some improvement after 3 weeks. But the way I am feeling, I think there will be no change.

    What is puzzling me is that my test levels are the same since my first blood test. No signs of significant changes. I think that HCG + Clomid are pushing, but balls are not able to make more. HPTA seems to be also working based on LH and FSH values.

  13. #13
    84 days from last injection:
    I have no longer ED from yesterday and I get erection as before. It seems things are improving. Tomorrow blood test.

  14. #14
    Not much increase in testosterone but progress. I am already happy that I have libido back. I hope that Testosterone levels will go up in next 12 months as my body goes through recovery.

    Blood test results from 20/06/2022 (85 days after last injection)
    Total Testosterone (Siemens) 12 nmol/L (8.3-29) decrease from 3 weeks ago (12)
    Sex Hormone Binding Gobulin 13 nmol/L (11-71) decrease from 3 weeks ago (20)
    DHEAS 12 umol/L (3.0-10)
    Calculated Free Testosterone 346.3 pmol/L (255-725) decrease from 3 weeks ago (303.9)
    FSH 7 UI/L (<7)
    LH 3.9 UI/L (<7)
    E2 (ATEL) <70 pmol/L
    PROG 2 nmol/L
    Prolactin 376 mIU/L (40-450)
    Cortisol 1008 nmol/L (120-620 nmol/L)

  15. #15
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    From my personal research, it has to be done with a ton of Clomid - 100mg daily for x amount of months

    It’s a bit of a bitch when our decisions from years back change what we do/are today

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    From my personal research, it has to be done with a ton of Clomid - 100mg daily for x amount of months

    It’s a bit of a bitch when our decisions from years back change what we do/are today
    I received professional advise to stop everything as my pituitary is working now. We will monitor the testosterone and see if it slowly goes higher level. If not, I will go back on HCG+Clomid.

    Regarding Clomid, I got blurry vision about 1 week before I stopped using it (after about 3 months on it 60mg/day). Its been a week off clomid now and still having a blurry vision especially in bright light. My eyes can focus, but its much slower and more difficult. I hope the side effects will go away. I hope its not permanent.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by meandme View Post
    I received professional advise to stop everything as my pituitary is working now. We will monitor the testosterone and see if it slowly goes higher level. If not, I will go back on HCG+Clomid.

    Regarding Clomid, I got blurry vision about 1 week before I stopped using it (after about 3 months on it 60mg/day). Its been a week off clomid now and still having a blurry vision especially in bright light. My eyes can focus, but its much slower and more difficult. I hope the side effects will go away. I hope its not permanent.

    GL brother

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