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Thread: pct time

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    pct time

    I finished my 10 week cycle of test enanthate, i ran the common 500 mg a week. got great results from it, i am taking 20 mg of nolva right now to ensure no gyno even though no sine from it. and waitng another week before starting clomid therapy like i was told to do. I know two people at my gym saying different things for pct. one says just to take the hcg and nothing else(except continue taking the nolva), one say take the clomid with nolva instead of the hcg. Both body builders plus have been taking for years. I am confused on what to do. Also, is clomid a controlled substance or not, I am ordering some tonight from liquid research or pmeds. Is liquid clomid still good.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    liquids are fine.... use the clomid and nolvadex
    btw, nextime have everything before you start

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    i thought i did but i guess hcg is not the way

  4. #4
    I couldn't tell exactly how long it's been since your last test E shot, but at 500mg/wk, clomid should start 2 weeks from the last shot. Nolva @20mg/day + clomid + Ldex @ 0.25mg/day is very efficient. HCG can help, especially for longer cycles. Don't rely on just HCG, as it will suppress recovery.

  5. #5
    with a 10 week cycle you don;t need the HCG bro. My .02 is that HCG is more for longer run cycles or multiple AS used! HCG can be run post cycle but better run Mid cycle for best results. I would listen to einstein about this one....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    i thought i did but i guess hcg is not the way

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    if running hcg after cycle start 20 days before pct is to begin and run it 14 days... leaves 6 days until pct starts...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    cool i took my last shot less than a week ago, i knew to take clomid 2 weeks after my last shot, but here is the problem, i dont have my clomid yet i am ordering it tonight, should i inject 1 or 2 more times if i dont get it on time. I am ordering it from pmeds. I thought i had everything before i started but like i said but not exactly what i needed. i will save the hcg for my next cycle of test deca 300 and winny, plus order more clomid and nolva before i start.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by oosean
    cool i took my last shot less than a week ago, i knew to take clomid 2 weeks after my last shot, but here is the problem, i dont have my clomid yet i am ordering it tonight, should i inject 1 or 2 more times if i dont get it on time. I am ordering it from pmeds. I thought i had everything before i started but like i said but not exactly what i needed. i will save the hcg for my next cycle of test deca 300 and winny, plus order more clomid and nolva before i start.
    If you order tonight, you should have it well within a week, which will keep you on schedule. If it's only been 5-6 days since your last shot, you could extend it a week or two more, but you'll be fine to wait too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    preciate it man. thanks for the help

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