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Thread: would clomids at mid cycle help out at all ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    would clomids at mid cycle help out at all ?

    I know hcg and tribulas works but was just wondering what clomids would do midway in a 18 week cycle..Would it be a waste to even do, I was only asking cause I read a post that i cant find now in the past where some of the bros on here take clomids throughout their whole cycle. Have any of ya tried this or even heard of it, whats the feed back on this please?


  2. #2
    It's an old school idea and not very worthwhile. It's a weak SERM compared to nolva at the doses we use. It works well post cycle due to its being preferential for binding the suprapituitary and being an estrogen antagonist in a crucial region. However, in the presence of high levels of AAS, those positive effects do nothing. You'll still be shut down due to the high AAS plasma levels.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Consistency

    Hey bro not trying to be rude but replies like that ticks me off a little cause I guess i take it in the wrong way. Next time you reply to a post please explain instead of just posting one word on it. What are you saying no too?

    Thank you

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    the lab
    He is saying that running clomid at mid cycle is worthless. If you want to run clomid like that, you need to start it at the beginning of the cycle, running it at 50mg ed. Yes it's an old school idea, but many people swear by this method. It will prevent your nuts from shrinking, and you may actually get a boost of strength come post cycle. Stick to nolvadex ed throughout the cycle, and administer the clomid as usual for PCT.
    Quote Originally Posted by rangerdudeleads
    Hey bro not trying to be rude but replies like that ticks me off a little cause I guess i take it in the wrong way. Next time you reply to a post please explain instead of just posting one word on it. What are you saying no too?

    Thank you

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by rangerdudeleads
    Hey bro not trying to be rude but replies like that ticks me off a little cause I guess i take it in the wrong way. Next time you reply to a post please explain instead of just posting one word on it. What are you saying no too?

    Thank you

    sorry dude... i guess i was just trying to be straight foward with you that it wont do anything. If you are worried about your nuts shrinking run tribulus at 4g ED or look into HCG

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    naw its cool brother, I took it the wrong way. Well I was gonna see what ya said cause I have mucho clomids and was gonna see if it helped out at all so i could use some of them up.


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