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BLT no offense but TheChosenOne is certainly well aware of the plethera of information available via the search function, however, the underlying issue in my original post is whether any AR members have used DNP as a part of their PCT. Ironfist eluded to the use of DNP during/after PCT in an informative thread, however, no/few testimonials have been posted in a response to using DNP PCT. Also the particular timing of using DNP during PCT was never discussed either. There seems to be no set guideline as to when to possibly administer DNP if chosen to be a part of PCT. Is it most beneficial to be used in conjunction with Clomid/Nolva or a set number of weeks after the conclusion of Clomid/Nolva?? Apparently the original intent of TheChosenOne's first question has been misunderstood so hopefully this response can erase the guesswork.