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Thread: Anyone use DNP PCT??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Anyone use DNP PCT??

    In reference to the post made by IronFist has anyone had legit results from DNP used in conjunction with PCT?? If so what was the timing found to be most beneficial? During PCT? After (if so how long)?? DNP seems to be a drug with little information and few testimonials, so any help would be instrumental.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Bump Bump Bump It Up

  3. #3
    go to a search engine and type in dmp and it will give you all the info you need

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Slider47
    go to a search engine and type in dmp and it will give you all the info you need
    Thanks bro, but TheChosenOne is more than aware as to how to use the search function, however, if you can access the information at the tips of your fingers feel free to link up a post that has the necessary information.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    We'll try this again. TO THE TOP!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Bro, if you use the search button and type in DNP, a lot of bro's have created day to day journals about their experience. It's VERY helpful.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    BLT no offense but TheChosenOne is certainly well aware of the plethera of information available via the search function, however, the underlying issue in my original post is whether any AR members have used DNP as a part of their PCT. Ironfist eluded to the use of DNP during/after PCT in an informative thread, however, no/few testimonials have been posted in a response to using DNP PCT. Also the particular timing of using DNP during PCT was never discussed either. There seems to be no set guideline as to when to possibly administer DNP if chosen to be a part of PCT. Is it most beneficial to be used in conjunction with Clomid/Nolva or a set number of weeks after the conclusion of Clomid/Nolva?? Apparently the original intent of TheChosenOne's first question has been misunderstood so hopefully this response can erase the guesswork.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    beatin it up...
    Quote Originally Posted by TheChosenOne
    BLT no offense but TheChosenOne is certainly well aware of the plethera of information available via the search function, however, the underlying issue in my original post is whether any AR members have used DNP as a part of their PCT. Ironfist eluded to the use of DNP during/after PCT in an informative thread, however, no/few testimonials have been posted in a response to using DNP PCT. Also the particular timing of using DNP during PCT was never discussed either. There seems to be no set guideline as to when to possibly administer DNP if chosen to be a part of PCT. Is it most beneficial to be used in conjunction with Clomid/Nolva or a set number of weeks after the conclusion of Clomid/Nolva?? Apparently the original intent of TheChosenOne's first question has been misunderstood so hopefully this response can erase the guesswork.
    Why do you keep refering to yourself in third person? Kind of annoying. And if you want info, SEARCH for it as the BLT has said.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by daman1
    Why do you keep refering to yourself in third person? Kind of annoying. And if you want info, SEARCH for it as the BLT has said.

    You obviously did not read my post that you quoted in your response. I urge you to use the almighty search function and come back to me with answers to the questions you have quoted in your response. I have been a member of this board for nearly 2 years. As a matter of fact I specifically recall helping BLT map his first cycle out after his originally proposed cycle of primo/eq well over a year ago. I am more than well aware of how to obtain information when need be, however, upon searching for the answers to my questions I have had zero luck in gathering such knowledge.

    And in response to your question about third person references it ties back to my previous user name and account in conjunction with ARFFL (Juggy still licks balls). I have had to register a new account for a couple of legal issues which has prompted the name change amongst other things.
    Last edited by TheChosenOne; 04-03-2004 at 10:22 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    BUMPING this thread since it has a new place to call home thanks to Pheedno

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SGFuryZ
    My question is, why would you want to?
    Originally I thought the same, however, upon reading Ironfist's post on DNP guide I am curious to know if anyone has results using DNP as part of PCT. Here is the post and explanation copied from Ironfist.

    Post-Steroid Cycle Use of DNP

    One of the primary causes of muscle breakdown after a steroid cycle is suppressed TSH. Anabolic steroids suppress TSH, which in turn lowers T3 and T4 production by the thyroid gland. The reduction in TSH is one reason that anabolic steroids are such excellent muscle builders.

    Soon after the completion of a steroid cycle, TSH up-regulates, which in turn super-stimulates the thyroid. This excess stimulation causes the thyroid to produce above normal levels of T3 and T4. This increase in thyroid hormones is highly catabolic and is the main reason why people lose muscle post-cycle.

    Athletes have learned that they need to restrict T3 production post cycle to prevent muscle loss. A novel approach to achieving this goal is the use of DNP. About 80% of the body’s endogenous T3 is produced from the metabolically inactive T4 to the metabolically active T3. The de-iodinase enzyme is responsible for this conversion. It literally cleaves off an iodine molecule.
    By ingesting 200mg DNP/day, the athlete can correct the over stimulated Thyroid, returning T3 levels back to normal. DNP directly blocks the production of T3 from T4 via the de-iodinase enzyme.

    As a bonus, the reduction in your ATP stores because of the DNP is counter acted by an increase in the oxidation of triglycerides as an energy source. The benefit is the elimination of any potential fat-gain from the low post-cycle testosterone levels. And as DNP is non-hormonal, it has no effect on HPTA recovery.

    After cessation of DNP use post-cycle, the athlete will reap the benefits of the "Anabolic Rebound Effect" which further lends credence to the use of DNP as a post-cycle ancillary for the elimination of any post-cycle muscular losses.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Yeah, I'm curious about that too. I would like to know if anyone tried DNP for PCT. It can be a nice addition. Just think - you're finishing your bulker - and you have a lot of fat and water. You run Clomid and DNP. It upregulates your TSH levels while melting fat and getting rid of unwanted water. Why then do the cutters?

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