I am posting here because i think it has a direct impact on the cycle i am coming off of..
500mg test cyp 1-10
250mg tren enth 1-8
40mg dbol 1-4
50mg winny 6-10
proviron 50mg ed 1-11
some masteron the last 2 weeks..
clomid 300/100/50 ed
ldex throughout
ok.............. i am in week 3 of the clomid, and i am going off the handle at the most little of things... I literally almost got into 3 fights just in the past 2 days.. when i say that.. i mean a guy did something stupid and i started to throw an elbow into thier faces... just barly stopping.. and taking a deep breath.. let it go.. nothing big.. just stupid drunk people stuff..
anyway while on i was very happy like all the time.. especially with the dbol..
anyone else having these types of emotions. ........... most post that they are depressed............ i didn't get that... just the violence....... and lack of patience with the wife..