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Thread: Still confused about HCG???? (Yes I read the Educational Thread)!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Still confused about HCG???? (Yes I read the Educational Thread)!

    I am confused about HCG use after I read a post about keeping your gains.

    First, I have done a lot of research around the net and apparently most sources tell you to use HCG after your cycle and not during it. Some say to use during and post cycle. Second, I have seen members in this board who claim they do just fine taking clomid post cycle and that HCG may be unnecessary for them. My question is, should I use HCG if.....?

    I am a first time steroid user

    I am taking 500 mg of Test Cyp/400 mg of Deca a week for 10 weeks.

    I am very prone to gyno. Novaldex 40 mg a day alone did not do for me, I had to use arimidex as well. Gyno pain was unberable b4 arimidex

    I am not that concerned about the size of my nuts.

    I am concerned about getting back to my normal sex drive

    I would like to keep some of my gains, but not necessaryly all!

    Thanks for your input!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Texguy I was in your same position, but many people on this board will probably tell you that you don't need HCG for this cycle. But there are many methods, the 2 that I hear the most are 500 I.U. E4D or 500 I.U. Sat/Sun. On my next cycle I myself am going to go 500 I.U. E4D. Here is a link to my thread, it may help you out. It helped to clear things up for me.

    Here are a few other links as well that you could take a look at...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    I'lll try to shed a little light on the topic.HCG is used to combat testicular atrophy.It's more commonly used during longer cycles,but some use it for shorter ones as well.Some use it for pct rather than clomid use.But I'm not a believer in that.A way to use it for pct would be running it for a week and a half til the esters clear your system,then start on clomid.This method does help ppl in HPTA recovery.It's not advised to run HCG and clomid together,for the fact it can inhibit HPTA.Hope this helps some....others will chime in as well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    I'lll try to shed a little light on the topic.HCG is used to combat testicular atrophy.It's more commonly used during longer cycles,but some use it for shorter ones as well.Some use it for pct rather than clomid use.But I'm not a believer in that.A way to use it for pct would be running it for a week and a half til the esters clear your system,then start on clomid.This method does help ppl in HPTA recovery.It's not advised to run HCG and clomid together,for the fact it can inhibit HPTA.Hope this helps some....others will chime in as well.
    Da Bull sumed it up for you, definatley don't run HCG with your clomid, because it will only hinder what your Clomid needs to be doing. I still see a lot of confusion on the HCG topic myself.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lovin Alba's butt
    Quote Originally Posted by Z-Ro
    Da Bull sumed it up for you, definatley don't run HCG with your clomid, because it will only hinder what your Clomid needs to be doing. I still see a lot of confusion on the HCG topic myself.


    True, me and you discussed it a lot about a week ago. Here
    This is a good read as well

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