While I've used Provirion before and have liked the hardness it adds (to muscles and elsewhere

) together with its extra anti-e properties, I've always stopped it before PCT since conventional wisdom (backed by years of AAS experience which I respect) has always said it is suppressive and will interfere with PCT. Thats why I was interested to see a post by Lawnsaver in this thread
(Click for Link) citing two studies that demonstrate little if any HPTA suppression from relatively large doses.
What gives? Is this a case of the research not matching reality? Has anybody had any experiences one way or the other running Provirion during PCT? Seems to me, if Mesterolone actually has little suppressive impact, then wouldn't running into the first few weeks of PCT (and maybe extending Clomid/Nolva by a week or two) help to avoid a libido crash after a long cycle?
Waiting to hear what the experts think.