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Thread: Is this Correct?

  1. #1

    Is this Correct?

    Hey guys,
    OK, just to make sure, is this correct?

    Nolvadex - during cycle every. To prevent estrogen side effects. Run for entire cycle and two weeks into PCT.

    Clomid - begin 2 weeks after last testosterone shot. To get body testosterone going again. Run for 4 weeks.

    Nolvadex 50 mg per day
    Clomid 100 mg per day

    Bring intensity, volume and frequency of training down
    Get 8 hours sleep every night
    Reduce cals. by 1,000 ex. 5,000 to 4,000
    Keep protien, water, and creatine the same dosages as when on cycle.

    Captain Anabolic

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I run the last three weeks of clomid at 50mg ed and stretch it to five weeks total.

    100 mg ed- 2weeks
    50 mg ed- 3 weeks

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    At minimum yes run Nolvadex as an anti-e at 20mg ED.

    Clomid timming and length depends on what has been ran and for how long. You should look at the clomid chart.

    You will not need 50mg of nolva durring PCT 20mg will be fine.

    Never reduce calories durring PCT if anything raise them to help from getting catabolic.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Behind Ur booty
    In a link called "Learn PCT" at the bottom of my post signature. There is information on clomid and a chart to resort to. Depending on the ester you used is how you determine timing for clomid therapy for PCT. Also, 20mg nolva is suggestable through out PCT and only 10mg through a cycle is suggestable. If during the cycle you adhere to estrogen side affects then up the dosage of nolva to 60-80mg ED until affects are subsided.

    Also, you can read this thread I created on AI' and SERM's. Should be very informational.

  5. #5
    Thank you for the info.

    Captain Anabolic

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