Ahkrin Fakes
300 ct. tub contains methyl-test
100ct. is fake
Ahkrin Fakes
300 ct. tub contains methyl-test
100ct. is fake
300 ct. upclose. Tested as methyl-test
Fake Bioreactor
Fake Russian Dbol
Fake bionabol
i have just bought some dianabol that are identical to the ones in this post. Does this mean they are definitely fake or are htere legit ones that can look the same?Originally Posted by LACBodybuilder
nope. beat up your provider.Originally Posted by bannerboy
Did these come from who I think they did???
Originally Posted by LACBodybuilder
Who are you thinking Buff? Hit me with a PM and I'll let you know. My guess is probably.Originally Posted by buff87
If you have the exact picture of any of these then they are indeed fake bro. Sorry, best you found out this way than the hard way like I did.Originally Posted by bannerboy
Good call buff, I sent you a reply, Let me know.Originally Posted by LACBodybuilder
I knew it the second you posted it..I'll hit you back...
Originally Posted by LACBodybuilder
Thank you for your info on the bionabol. My provider is also the owner of the gym I use (in UK).. As I need to tackle him on this subject anmd possibly put myself in a precarious situation can you tell me a little more on how you learned this bionabol is fake please, and if tested what did it show up as ??Originally Posted by LACBodybuilder
Your help would be appreciated.
I also got some Deca at the same time, brown bottles with nandrelone decanote on a white sticky label, they look real are well packaged (as are the bionabol). Liquid is even in all bottles and writing looks straight, in the information slip inside box which are separately packaged the manufacturer is shown as famar sa in Greece and are marketed by a company called K.Median, does these sound real ???
I will be seeing him tomorrow and I haven't paid for them yet !!!
The fake bionabols tested as nothing. Completely fake. The Deca I am very unclear on. I cant comment on it unless I see it.
If you can bro, post a copy of the test if you have it or can get it...
Originally Posted by LACBodybuilder
Ill try to find it. I had it somewhere.Originally Posted by buff87
Any joy with the test bro ??Originally Posted by LACBodybuilder
I used these with great gains. look awfully familiar!
Does methyl-test do anything for you?
Yeah, but it has a very short halflife and is highly liver toxic.. Maybe
the worse oral steroid ever created and anyone that's been around will
probably agree... It has it's uses in Powerlifting for strength, that's all
I could see anyone using it for honestly... But it's so toxic there are
much better choices and compunds to use...
Originally Posted by DeWil
oki, but is the one I posted methyl test aswell?Originally Posted by buff87
The bottle you posted is listing the drug name for D-bol in the first pic...
Originally Posted by DeWil
oki! thanks!
I'm trying bro, I deleted them from my computer one day when I had a 'problem arise' and now the board they were posted at is shut down. I will still try to come up with them. However I do guarantee 100% that the info I have given is indeed true and factual. Ill keep everyone updated.Originally Posted by bannerboy
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