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Thread: Organon Sustanon Holland Real? Mods please help.

  1. #1

    Organon Sustanon Holland Real? Mods please help.

    Can anyone help me out on these. They are from a reliable source ok'd by mods on this board and known all over other boards as well. . I had these on here already but I had a bad picture and got bad reviews. The labels are all the same height but camera shows slight deviation. The edges are not round which I hear is good. They may look like there is something on the bottle but they where all taped toghether and have my dogs hair on them . Any expierenced Organon users or who have recieved Organon sustanon in the states from overseas RECENTLY have any input on these. Thanks for any input.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sustanon 250 014.jpg 
Views:	1546 
Size:	168.2 KB 
ID:	48102   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sustanon 250 012.jpg 
Views:	6871 
Size:	148.4 KB 
ID:	48103   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	15.JPG 
Views:	713 
Size:	15.1 KB 
ID:	48105  
    Last edited by msu16366; 04-11-2005 at 04:20 PM.

  2. #2


    Fake i.m.o. I have never seen this admissionnumbers beside that see clerical faults.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sustanon 250 003.jpg 
Views:	2312 
Size:	26.0 KB 
ID:	48114  

  3. #3
    here is what someone on another board has said, what do you think

    Registered User Join Date: Dec 2003
    Posts: 414

    You're fine man...They are real...They are Italian amps and on the box of these amps (which you probably didn't get if I think it's who you got these from) is in Italian and that's how it is spelled. Actually it's spelled "contiene". The only thing I don't see is it should say something like "For intramusclar injections" or something like that on the top of the label...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    not portuguese the portuguese name is sustenon i know by fact i have the portuguese
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sustenon.jpg 
Views:	1639 
Size:	182.8 KB 
ID:	48157  

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    fake, and a bad fake too....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Canada & Europe
    Fake for sure.

  7. #7


    Here are the italians and a few others...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Italia.jpg 
Views:	1483 
Size:	35.6 KB 
ID:	48171   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	SustanonCompE.jpg 
Views:	1631 
Size:	95.4 KB 
ID:	48172  

  8. #8
    Why do you think it is a bad fake and if you dont know for sure its a fake please dont reply.

  9. #9
    they could be a newer version? and if they are fake the hundred my friend has look all exactley the same, liquid amount and color, label heights, the exp print is different than the rest, the label does not come off easily, sender took his time taping up the 100 amps and packaged it good enough to get both express mail and and air mail. ??????????/, why would this guy ruin his rep when easliy I could talk on everyboard i when he sells to most of the world????????????????/
    Last edited by msu16366; 04-11-2005 at 04:17 PM. Reason: more info

  10. #10
    this is the only board that doubts his product,,, all stand behind this product, even some of the moderators who have been there a while. It doesnt make sense?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Land of the rising sun.
    If I was you I would listen to Dutch's words, the man is a law in
    gear stuffs, bro!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Must be fake but I`ve seen same ones and they were legit. My friend brought them from middle east. but as Dutch said there is a typo on those so muct be fake...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Land of the rising sun.
    Quote Originally Posted by msu16366
    this is the only board that doubts his product,,, all stand behind this product, even some of the moderators who have been there a while. It doesnt make sense?
    It makes sense if you think they might don't have DutchBB as a member
    at there, hehe!

  14. #14
    Well if these are fake they are from a really reliable source on this board and others so what should i do now.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by msu16366
    Well if these are fake they are from a really reliable source on this board and others so what should i do now.
    feed him the **** back

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Darmstadt, Germany
    Quote Originally Posted by msu16366
    Well if these are fake they are from a really reliable source on this board and others so what should i do now.
    we have sources on this board

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    A hut in Atlanta Georgia
    Trust these guys... they know their stuff man..... they've done more homework that the boys on other sites.... i'm pretty sure of that....

  18. #18
    Well since I cant send them back I fed some to a friend, Hopefully I will know if he starts to feel something. How long until he should feel the propnate in the sustanon.

  19. #19


    My amps have the the numbers in same spot of alot of sustanon bottles that look like mine. SO mine has a slight different label, I bet if I could track the amp somehow by those numbers It would lead to a definite answer.
    So many countries make their own variation of Organon Sustanon, there is still a chance these are real I believe and will soon find out one way or another.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    conteins is bad spelling

  21. #21
    Alot of these are being faked big time in my city.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Canada & Europe
    Thats too bad. ****ing scammers

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Land of the rising sun.
    Hey msu, ask the guy you got them from to read your thread and
    give you some explanation about your case or your money back...or his
    name banned and in the scammer list....

  24. #24
    I talked to the supplier and he said he would glady take the sustanon back and send a different brand.

    Heres what he said.

    I no longer have those amps on stock so I can confront the images but if
    you want to resend the stuff I can send you another brand no problems


  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Replace them.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by msu16366
    I talked to the supplier and he said he would glady take the sustanon back and send a different brand.

    Heres what he said.

    I no longer have those amps on stock so I can confront the images but if
    you want to resend the stuff I can send you another brand no problems

    well that was easy enuf

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Land of the rising sun.
    Happy end, msu16366!
    Hey chem enhanced, nice Asian tits chick in your avatar, bro!

  28. #28

    Bump for any new info on these amps,

    ANy new findings or anyone else get these yet

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Whistler, B.C. CANADA
    Yes. I have that fake stuff too. I hate it. Mine looks even more fake than yours. Yours at least has no rounded labels. You will notice that Seajackal says that Dutch is the man when it comes to fakes. He is. I thought that they were real untill Dutch said that they were fake. He is so knowlegdable. I also thoght that they were from holland, but indeed they were from Portugal. For sure fake. I got scammed too. Those are the breaks. I'm out a lot of money. Now I have to use my Roid rage to get my money back. Also, I now believe that Portugal Sustanon is the most faked in the world. I could be wrong.
    So Sorry.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Land of the rising sun.
    Quote Originally Posted by msu16366
    another positive post

    They look good bro.
    These are Portuguese Sustanons and Im pretty sure thats how contains is spelled in the Portuguese language.
    I used them myself in the past and liked them alot.
    I just saw your other post.
    Whoever told you they're Italian has no clue.
    Organon Sustanon is not even produced in Italy, these are Portugal Sus amps.
    [email protected]

    Owner/Admin @
    MOD @
    Bro, just edit those last lines with mailing and website
    addy cuz you're still not able to have a signiture as long
    as I know and that's a cheating way to have one, bro!

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Land of the rising sun.
    Quote Originally Posted by juicy_brucy
    Yes. I have that fake stuff too. I hate it. Mine looks even more fake than yours. Yours at least has no rounded labels. You will notice that Seajackal says that Dutch is the man when it comes to fakes. He is. I thought that they were real untill Dutch said that they were fake. He is so knowlegdable. I also thoght that they were from holland, but indeed they were from Portugal. For sure fake. I got scammed too. Those are the breaks. I'm out a lot of money. Now I have to use my Roid rage to get my money back. Also, I now believe that Portugal Sustanon is the most faked in the world. I could be wrong.
    So Sorry.
    I would say if you want some SUS try out my country's SUS, Brazilian
    Durateston, IMO at least till the point I know they are the least faked SUS
    around and one of the best out there and this is not only my opinion.

  32. #32
    I was planning on taking sustanon 250 for 13 weeks, Eq for 12 weeks, and d bol, for 3 weeks,
    However since I have my new nile sustanon now, couldnt I take these so called fake sustaons for 3 weeks prior to see if they are real. I would just exten the cycle to 16 weeks. Also if i do this do I need HCG with this cycle, or just nova, trib, pct

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Land of the rising sun.
    Dbol for only 3 weeks? Not worth the liver stress for that short time IMO.
    Bro, if you have a suspicious gear in hands why would you inject them in
    you? Just go for 13 weeks, what if that crap contains something that can
    break you BEFORE you start on the real ones you got??? Save them for
    comparisons when a DutchBB wannabe feeling hits you, hehe! This won't
    be hard for you to recover from after discontinuing the cycle, save the HCG
    when you do Deca or tren to help you out to recover faster. Nolva/Clomid
    will be fine for you, I'm not a fan of tribulus myself, so i can't comment on it.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Toronto 5days Miami 2days
    These are real from portugal. Those are chinese knock offs.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sustenon_1ml_250mgml.jpg 
Views:	730 
Size:	100.7 KB 
ID:	49345  

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Whistler, B.C. CANADA

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Land of the rising sun.
    Juicy, control your angry, bro! Just put the word "scammers" after that
    name or someone will take it personal, I was starting to think you were
    thinking me....just kidding, bro, hehe.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Whistler, B.C. CANADA
    no way seajackal, you and a few others are a breath of fresh air. I only started posting again recently. I lost interest about a year ago. Now that I see so many fakes, I feel compelled to post. especially since i got scammed a couple of times.

    If i ever catch a scammer, He'll be eating those amps for lunch.

    Sorry about the rage. lol

    P.S. tribulus is a waste of money.
    Last edited by juicy_brucy; 05-03-2005 at 11:32 PM.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Bro I have seen this post and later on if you read the post it was confirmed they were fake... I would edit out the peoples names as well as common courtesy...

    Quote Originally Posted by msu16366
    another positive post

    They look good bro.
    These are Portuguese Sustanons and Im pretty sure thats how contains is spelled in the Portuguese language.
    I used them myself in the past and liked them alot.
    I just saw your other post.
    Whoever told you they're Italian has no clue.
    Organon Sustanon is not even produced in Italy, these are Portugal Sus amps.


  39. #39
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Land of the rising sun.
    Roid rage? Do you juice, Juicy_brucy? I'm not your GF so
    I don't know the facts hehe! Thanks for giving us a hand
    of help in this forum, let's keep it running in the name of

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Whistler, B.C. CANADA
    Im actually not a very angry person. I do joke about it. My g/f doesn't want me juicing, but when she sees the results, she sticks to her chair she gets so wet.
    I am buying some eq maybe tomorrow. need to know more about the company though.

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