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Thread: Winstrol 50 mg tabs

  1. #1

    Winstrol 50 mg tabs

    I picked up some tablets that are very small blue Winstrol tablets. There is nothing stamped on either side. I was told they were 50 mg. They are a lighter blue can anyone tell me if theve seen these around or where i can get more info thanks. I paid 2.5/pill does this seem to high or to low.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    They sound just like I P's pills and yeah $** per tab for his are kind of high...

    Post a pic if you can, but even without looking I'm sure that's what you have...
    Last edited by Seajackal; 01-06-2006 at 07:53 PM.

  3. #3

    orange pill, real or what

    I saw what was supposed to be 25 mg winstrol but it is a round, peach colored tab with a line on one side and nothing on the other. It looks most like cytomel...anyone have any idea?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    They are ip winny tabs

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    In the foothills
    i got some too. just started, so are they 50? that seems high!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    United States
    Quote Originally Posted by neverenuff21
    i got some too. just started, so are they 50? that seems high!
    the small unmarked blue ones? yes, they are 50mg and good quality

  7. #7

    Winny Questions

    I have small circle shaped light pink tabs..... small five sided yellow tabs and white capsule tabs... I was told the light pink and the yellow are 10mg... and the whites are 25mg... can anyone help with this. My friends have taken the light pink and yellow and have had good results....

  8. #8
    All the IP winny tabs I saw in the last few years are yellow square, but I think i had som pink 50's about 5 years ago

  9. #9
    are the pills just as effective as shooting it?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

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