Originally Posted by
if u read my post under steroid questions, you'll see what i asked, i recently was getting head 1- 2 times a day if lucky. all of a sudden 2 days after i finished in her mouth, she told me it tasted reallllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy weird. I private messaged a bunch of dudes on here and called my doctor, its legit ,if it wasn't,it wouldn't have these affects.
Yes, there is a scientific reason for this, and it will occur with all AAS that suppress the HTPA hard enough.
She is tasting a difference due to the lack of sperm in your semen as your testes have shut down sperm production. Of course deca is very suppressive so it will happen fast.
Sperm carries with it Fructose which many of you know is a fruit sugar. So of course it would naturally make it taste different too.
The lack of this sugar due to the lack of sperm will leave only the rest of the semen which contain buffers in it (chemicals known as alkalines - which are known to be very bitter tasting).
Since baking soda is also buffer it would also theoretically be similar in taste.
Anyway this is the explaination for it, and due to that explaination you ALSO know that your gear is real or this wouldn't occur.
Christ, this is the WEIRDEST post I have ever written.
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