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Thread: FAKE NILE SUS???(2nd BATCH) different supplier

  1. #1

    FAKE NILE SUS???(2nd BATCH) different supplier

    whats up guys this is my second batch of the nile sus 250. this is from a different dealer than my first batch. just wondering if you guys can tell if its real or not? the labeling looks pretty real but we got 20 amps(which some are from different batches) and some are different different colored green. One of the amp even had a reallllly dark colored oil in it. the oil color looks a little darker in one of the batches than in the others. well some of them look real to me and some fake but it is soo hard to tell. they are all from the same guy i dont know if he would send some fake and some real and i dont know if i trust taking them if some are fake. please let me know what you think.. thanks oh yeah i put all the same batch numbers together in each pic.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    common people a little thought on this would be nice please......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I have a good and a bad news for you:
    The good: Your amps look totally legit trust me, I've seen thousands of real and fake nile amps
    The bad: There is a perfect (I mean perfect amp, perfect box) counterfeit nile sust on the black market...

    Read this thread:

    And after read this:

    And take a look at the lab analisis. They tested a nile sustanon (You can find the picture of the amp in the article). The amp looks like your amps (Like a legit nile sustanon).
    But it contains only test prop, and TWO KIND OF CORTICOSTEROID: bethametason and prednysolon...

    Some of my friends used lot 94463, 94464 and 94465
    with minimal results (even with 1000 mg/week dose)

    I will never use niles again...

  4. #4
    I also used those lots and thought they were very weak.

  5. #5
    thanks man....damn i guess im probably not gonna get good gains off my 1st cycle. that sucks ass now that i finally got the balls to stick myself..the shit i have is wack...bummer

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    try to get them tested. from the pics it would be worth the money. then again finding a lab my problem for my gear. Before next sesion i will find a lab and get results no mater what.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Its better to get Karachi susta because there are so many Nile fakes

  8. #8
    They where weak, not useless. You can always take one extra amp per week to make up for it.

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