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wassup guys!
this is my first post here and i already have a question hehe..
weell, i've been collecting information about decas (the ones from NORMA HELLAS), and in a few sites I've read that the real ones read "BIOHXANIA" on the front label, and the fakes read "BIOM/NIA". Beside, i have been looking "real/fake" pics, and in many sites I noticed that some "reals" were written "BIOHXANIA", and others (argued as "reals" too) were written "BIOM/NIA". I saw this same picture of a deca written "BIOM/NIA" (wich was argued as real by one site), I saw in other site but it was telling that was a fake.
So, I *really* need some help over this... I spent so much money on the deca's, I wanna know if its real at least... lol. And I will begin my cycle next monday. So, thats urgent!
***sorry about my english, i've been a looong time without practice***
Here goes my deca pictures (taken by myself, not from sites):
(if you need any more details about my deca to say if its real or not, please ask me in this topic and I'll reply as soon as possible!)