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Thread: CYCTAHOH BATCH 237505 "FAKE"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    Just like the title says BATCH 237505 ARE ALL FAKES!!!

    If CYCTAHOH's DON't come with new labelling in blister packs, then they are fake.

    I HOPE all you dealer who have 1000's of them get stuck with them you PRICKS!!!
    Attached Images Attached Images   
    Last edited by Ozzman; 02-24-2004 at 12:00 PM. Reason: added pics

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    sounds like someone received some bad gear..


  3. #3

    **** fakes

    i got a batch of 15... and another batch of 10... all the same number... completly different BOTTLES! this kid is dead.

  4. #4


    Some clear pics would be nice, just like comparisonpics from the two different shaped amps. This is a pictureforum guys, do us all a favor.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Ontario Canada
    i would kill the mother ****er that sold me that much bad juice.
    there would defently be a murder on or hands.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Even some of the new blister packs are fake so watch out... cyctahoh's are starting to become an unsafe buy... I talked to a bro from Russia who said the cyctahoh's are 18 dollars an amp Russian and the Karachi's are 2 dollars an amp Russian... so no one over there uses the cyctahoh's because of their expense... so a lot of fakes are being made... and being shipped to states so be careful of what you buy and watch out for the batch# 252274 cause i had a few fakes with that batch as well... Peace Fellaz
    Last edited by GeoQuadzilla; 02-27-2004 at 11:52 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    ****, i just got 50 with that lot number.....are you sure they are fake? did you get nothing off them? could they be something else like prop or something? does anyone know? sould i try them? or will they give me infections or hurt me in any way? help !!!!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    ozzman !!! how do you know they are fake??

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    take a look at that thread man... I had real ones but apparently most are fakes... and I had them in august so I would say the chances of yours being fake is 99% because they have been floating around for almost 8 months now... i'd imagine the ones being sold now are definitely fakes... because the good ones would have been gone at the start... Sorry to hear man... But maybe they are real... I hope they are

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    how will i know if mine are fake or not though? do i have to try them? will they hurt me in anyway? if it is fake then what would i be putting into myself?? this is scary **** man !!!!!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by treksl
    how will i know if mine are fake or not though? do i have to try them? will they hurt me in anyway? if it is fake then what would i be putting into myself?? this is scary **** man !!!!!
    If it is fake, which it prolly is... I dunno what harm it will do to you... but ozzman did his whole cycle with fakes and he's doing fine... That's not me saying go out and try them... that's me saying thats what i've seen from that batch... I dunno what to tell you about testing them because i'm sure you don't have a lab you have access too... and someone to test it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    thats right !! did ozzman get anything off of them? or no gains at all?

  13. #13

    what are the dates

    Quote Originally Posted by Ozzman
    Just like the title says BATCH 237505 ARE ALL FAKES!!!

    If CYCTAHOH's DON't come with new labelling in blister packs, then they are fake.

    I HOPE all you dealer who have 1000's of them get stuck with them you PRICKS!!!
    i defenitely picked up a cycle of those from a guy that has always been good for me so i would have to think it it just some of them. what are the dates on your bottles that you say are fake under the batch #. as well did you read the link that quad put on down the page. aswell i would hate to think i got ripped by a guy i trust.
    Last edited by captchuck; 03-11-2004 at 09:36 PM. Reason: dates

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    i will post a pic of mine very soon !!!! the numbers on mine are,
    i hope they are real, i want to see some good gains and dont want any infections !!!!!

  15. #15

    the same

    Quote Originally Posted by treksl
    i will post a pic of mine very soon !!!! the numbers on mine are,
    i hope they are real, i want to see some good gains and dont want any infections !!!!!
    yea bro those dates are the same as mine and the same as on another link that says they are doog. i plan to take them so i will up date you.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    you mean good? you think they are good?

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by treksl
    you mean good? you think they are good?
    yea i believe that they are good a guy that started for weeks ago with the same stuff from the same guy i got in contact with and he said he has had no problems.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    good luck bros.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    cyctahoh 250's batch 237505

    I don't care what any of these newbie's are trying to tell TREK... they are probably dealers trying to dump them!
    I have been juicin for 6 years and these are FAKE!!! Check out the bros in there have **** on this batch as well as other cyctahoh lots that are fake.
    THe new RUSSIAN cyctahoh's have new labelling. with big green or reddish 250 on the front. They are in blister packs and don't come in singles.
    You can let these other guys bull**** you, but I am telling you first hand these are ****! So you have been warned which is what this forum is for. Help in out bros and exposing scammers.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Actually Infar sust is not available on the russia grey steroid market anymore. Its only available in several drug stores and you can get it at $*-$* per amp if you have prescription. Niles or karachis you can get them at $* per amp in any moscow gym. SO now I`m wondering who in the hell is selling that **** in USA?! BTW legit Infars are **** good, I bought ***amps one year ago and I`ve been using them on my last cycle with great results. But you can`t get them here anymore and we have tons of so called "dutch" organon sust too! **** good looking fake!
    Last edited by Seajackal; 12-25-2005 at 03:34 AM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I was just wondering i have the same ****, but it's
    Batch # 252270
    EXP. 1/2006
    is it real? comes in blister packs, i had them individual. i need to know cause if this guy is fukin me over im gonna crack him.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I've taken these before and my blister packs (lot # 237505) look the same.
    I can't tell the difference. How can you tell if the're fake???

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Whistler, B.C. CANADA
    Quote Originally Posted by Big MFN D
    i would kill the mother ****er that sold me that much bad juice.
    there would defently be a murder on or hands.
    I went after some fakers about 2 months ago or so. I'm probally not to far away from you. P.M. me if you want.

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