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Thread: Apex pharm & Duratest

  1. #1

    Apex pharm & Duratest

    Are these products legit? The apex products have a website. The Duartest seems legit but I performed the freezer test and the oil stayed clear.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Seajackal; 12-23-2005 at 02:26 AM.

  2. #2

  3. #3

    Thumbs up Opinion

    I’m using the apex products right now: alltest, winstrol and trembol. I’ve got pretty good results. Those products from the pics seem to be legit. Alltest looks just like the one I’m using. Very good stuff.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Androstan
    I’m using the apex products right now: alltest, winstrol and trembol. I’ve got pretty good results. Those products from the pics seem to be legit. Alltest looks just like the one I’m using. Very good stuff.
    Strange i'm on all test 350 for 5 weeks now and 2 proviron am/pm

    I've seen ABSOLUTELY no change at all , my cycle is as follows
    w1-w5 1050mg +2 proviron
    w6-w8 350mg +2 proviron

    Please tell me whats the problem, how do you know for sure that the 350 is good and not just the combination of the other two you're on or am i doing something wrong or speaking too early, i mean when does it kick in.

    i've read that there are fake Apex gear around and i know mine has the hologram but is it not what's in the bottle thats important. Can you help, not many seem to know about apex and i got mine form a guy thats seems legit, dont know if i should have went to the website and purchased.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    before taking gear you must learn because you re cycle is not good at all
    i used apex only and my results are great;look also to your diet and your training
    1000 mg is too much you must reduce test and take dbols or deca with it

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by IRON1977
    before taking gear you must learn because you re cycle is not good at all
    i used apex only and my results are great;look also to your diet and your training
    1000 mg is too much you must reduce test and take dbols or deca with it
    Thanks for the advice, so what should i do at the moment
    in my course, is it too late to drop dose and take maybe d-bol or deca and if so how do you recommend cosidering i'm in my 5th week, i've seen the novice cycles on the main page and all of them go for about 10-15 weeks.
    Any suggestions

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Personnaly I Stop Know And Do Pct.
    Dont Waist Product.
    Wait 3 Months For Next Cycle And Get What You Need
    But Take Advis From Other Guys To Have Different Opinions

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Apex had some huge quality control issues a little while back. Underdosed, mislabeled, very dirty, etc.

    I used it about a year ago and thought the Alltest was outstanding. I wouldn't touch it now though.

    At 5 weeks, you should be feeling it big time. I think you got ripped off bro. End the cycle, do PCT and try again.

    good luck!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    is there any lab test ????

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