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Thread: I Need Your Help Guys

  1. #1

    Exclamation I Need Your Help Guys

    Today my friend bought for me my first steroids. He bought it from a man who have a fitness shop and he gave him a 100 tablets without a box ( i forgot to mention that i live in Serbia so everything is possible). My friend told me that the guy have a box with 500 tablets and for my first use i need only 100 so he bought 100 and told me that this is a Methandrostenolon, now i need your help to recognize them on this picture and tell me the truth because i dont want to take these and ruin my health.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC01122_resize_resize.jpg 
Views:	308 
Size:	191.7 KB 
ID:	51069  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Money Boss Hustla/MB and other mod's put alot of work into these forums. They are there for your pleasure. A simple search would of found your dbol's made by body research also before taking them you should research about steroids, taking orals alone is a waste of money, research and take the proper (post cycle theory) and also you need some test of some kind to keep gains, just research and stay a while.



  3. #3
    dbol 10mg a tab
    used them myself at the beginning of this year
    but the factory that makes them went under a while back making those old according to the ppl on this forum
    its called danabol to be precise
    but is the same dbol

  4. #4
    Thanx guys

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Christ they look like candy lol

  6. #6
    trust me they DO NOT taste like candy tho

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    best d-bols out there bro (if u can find them)

  8. #8
    ye i used to get those from my supplier
    now i get the pink 5mg ones
    he said he was getting 10mg ones in again but not the blue heart ones tho

  9. #9
    Ok guys i have started using Danabol for 3 weeks now, and it doesnt seem to work. I mean i only get 2 kilograms, when i workout i look like a baloon and after 1 hour i got to normal (is it possible that water retention doesnt work to me?), my friend who used Methan sad to me that hi stayed pumped for whole day after workout, it is true i lift little more but seems to me i have a verry little gains, i dont use any protection yet but i plan to take a nolvadex (now) and clomid (at the end of cycle). Heres how i take them :
    1 week 10mg
    2 week 20mg
    3 week 30mg
    4 week 30mg
    5 week 20mg
    6 week 20mg
    7 week 10mg

    any suggestions? It will mean a lot to me

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    only dbol cycle is a waste, have to put some test at least seriously ,u just going to hold water thats it, as soon u stop them u going to pee ur d-bol's, u still on time try to get some test right away

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