whats ur experience with this guys, i know there is a lot of people here that have done tri trenabol
i know one of them is my friend SEA![]()
whats ur experience with this guys, i know there is a lot of people here that have done tri trenabol
i know one of them is my friend SEA![]()
OMG, how cute
hey i went to that britishdragon.com site, did you order off of there?
yes i didOriginally Posted by CrazyorHigh
sorry bro just kidding
If you went to the site you would see that they do not sell direct.Originally Posted by CrazyorHigh
That is for security reasons.
Nice shit Big AJ! Excelent pictures of those treasure oils! Just
take a look at the collor of the oil and try to imagine that into your
biceps or triceps alone....That's a nice drug from what I can see
you can run that 3 shots/week of 1ml each shot so you would
stay at 450mg/week I was just shoting twice a week but even
at this low dosage this shit came crazy on roid rage I was getting
worried about my own sanity
Good luck bro! BTW what will you stack those beauties with?
Best tren out there..
I will try it soon![]()
I hope you love it, BigP!
Looks awesome! I 've never tried Tren or anything from BD..I think I will soon!
You know its good when its that color...dark and rich.
trenb by itself is usually dark imagine when u mix 3 type of trenb in once bottle the color is just beatifull bro's siriously ,i was looking at it for minsOriginally Posted by hydroP
even i mixed 1cc with 100mg of prop and still dark in color![]()
What about the pain, AJ? Keep us updated about your cycle if you can Big Man!
did 1cc yesterday with prop(farmak ukraine) same needle , it hurts after a few mins later ,is like burning inside my shoulder had to move my arm and find a position where stop hurting,kinda like the same feeling with the homebrew fina that i make, i'm doing another one tomorrow this time by itself to see the reaction
To be honest i don't like tri trenabol it's been more than 3 weeks on it and no major gains or changes(there is somes ) , i'm doing 4 cc per weeks wich is suppost to be enought ,I thought that tri trenabol was going to work better than FINA yes FINA (homebrew trenb acet) that i do myself really good at that, trenb acet works better than tri trenb believe me at least for me , one thing too that at only 50mg of trenb acet that is in it i think is not enough, basically u doing 50 mg of trenb acet EOD and some cases E2D , trenb acet works better ED , so thats my experience with tri trenabol i still have few more weeks to do but about this time with trenb acet man i was hard like a rock
they should increase the mgs on the trenb acet up to 100 and the trenb enant at 100mgs also and leave the trenb Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate at 50mgs or probably up to 75
fina works better and only 130 bucks 40CC yes 40 or 30cc if u want it strong 100mgs
yes ajfina tren acetat is my favorite,but look I used tri trenabol I and going sky high with my weights.....I know that you have good gear,but realy doesnt know reasnon why dont work on you.....I stack tri trenabol 3 times a week,8 tabs of d-bol thai-10mg,and 100 mg propionat EOD...for 8 weeks.....I was going from 104kg on 112...and after that going opn cuting edge with tren acetat,wini,clen. an stay on prop....
i heard u, i'm doing prop too at 150 eod with EQ also and GH , the d-bol's is probably what is giving u the fast gains i'm pretty sure. winny works really good for me also but hate the pain in the ass ed injection's and the stupid needle get clugged once an a while some times i have to shot myself more than 3 times to get that shit in it , to much work sorry
unless i try some zambon's people say is really micronized
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