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Thread: Sydgorup Primo Legit?

  1. #1

    Sydgorup Primo Legit?

    Friend tried a couple shots of this stuff and each time the site swelled up large and hard.

    So could this be fake primo?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    it's looks like a copy bro , fake

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Canada & Europe
    Kind of looks too full 10ml +

  4. #4
    my friend has 4 of these, good way to use money

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Unoid
    my friend has 4 of these, good way to use money
    ...............look....I"m not shure if this good way to spend money......
    that lab is from aus and his first products look like this/.....

    but you can not imagine what is insade this bottle of winy......when one of my friend come to me and showed I can belived what I see!!!!.....Christal was big like beach send!!!!...loot of that gear are floting I sow that new boxes with that cangoorou,and hologram,etc,but after few boys are heaving problem with injecting to you self......nobody belived in this any more.....personaly I used this 3 years ago.....I spend 2 of this bottle of wini in period of 12 weeks my prep for NATIONAL COMPETITION,and I come on stage flat as like d...,after bad sex....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Land of the rising sun.
    This primo is SYD GROUP's from Mexico and not from Australia as it's stated
    in the box, just take a look at the inscriptions all in Spanish and the unfamous
    sagarpa trade name, that's only in Mexico. I think if your friend got the real
    deal it's probably something but not the best, a good option for those who
    can't get Turkish Schering Primos or BD's.

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